Introducing Post-Punk Garage Rockers Virgin Mary Disco

Virgin Mary Disco are an indie rock band from Melbourne.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Owners of a slick yet garage style of post-punk, new-wave rock that bubbles away with intense yet crisp instrumentation, Virgin Mary Disco are getting busy in 2023.

After releasing their debut single 'Modern Man' at the start of the year, that we premiered, the Naarm four-piece have followed up with 'Automation'.

Introducing melodic synth flourishes and rapid guitars, the single explodes into a chorus worthy of chanting.

"We wanted the song to take the listener on a journey rather than just making one bold statement," the band says.

"When recording the song, we had the vision for it to sound almost 'automated' or machine-like, particularly in terms of the very straight drum beat, with that added delay on the hi-hats and snare (taking influence from post-punk's experimental drum sounds). "The drums and bass were meticulously recorded to achieve this."

Who is Virgin Mary Disco... We are Spencer, Liam, Jackson, Duncan, and we're a post-punk/ garage punk band based in Naarm/ Melbourne, Australia. The band started in early 2020, which then unfortunately led to a pandemic-induced hiatus just four rehearsals in.

The band initially started with Duncan and Liam finding similar ground in musical influences and wanting to make loud music. We all met through the wonders of the internet, which is where we then added in Jackson and Spencer to complete the line-up.

We sound like... A good combination of The Clash, The Cure and The Strokes.

Our first gig was... Opening for a strange, stoner-thrash band at The Old Bar in Fitzroy.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... Liam: It took us a long time to come up with a name for the band. We were nameless for almost a year. You have no idea how many we came up with before we settled. I remember distinctly trying to come up with the most obscure names before we settled on a name taken from a trialled song name. Sounded much better than the stuff I was coming up with.

In the studio we usually... Liam: When I'm not playing, I'll usually be either taking photographs or enjoying listening to the different takes before it starts to become annoying. I love being in the studio though. Jackson: Bring plenty of snacks, and relax as much as possible.

If we could tour with anyone... Liam: Green Day. Jackson: Ball Park Music.

Social media is... Liam: The most frustratingly annoying necessity. Jackson: Alright? Duncan: Nope. No thanks! Spencer: Yeah, nah!

My favourite app at the moment is... Liam: Depop because I'm obsessed with buying nice second-hand clothes that I don't need or can't afford. Plus, it's great for the planet. Jackson: YouTube, great for finding fun videos.

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Breaking three guitars in three gigs!

Life on the road can be... Currently non-existent! Can you get us on the road?

If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Liam: Non-alc beers and iced coffee on tap. Duncan: Non-alcy beers and Sour Patch Kids. Jackson: Up & Go. Spencer: Beers, please.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... Liam: I used to live in the UK and attend football games. I've found myself (not by choice) in the middle of a hooligan-police standoff many times. It's pretty intense. Duncan: I found our first headline show pretty scary.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Liam: Lewis Capaldi – that man is a treasure. Duncan: Andy Serkis in character as Gollum. Jackson: Samuel L. Jackson, amazing voice so perfect to speak for us.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Liam: Maybe New York or Manchester, purely for the music scenes. Duncan: London for the great music scene and diverse culture. Jackson: London, for the music scene.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Liam: Greg Davies, Orville Peck, Ewan McGregor – just four handsome men hanging out. Duncan: Robert Smith for the blunt opinion, Stephen Fry for the trivia, Iggy Pop for the stories. Jackson: The band! I know, very cute.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Liam: Something easy like a vegan pasta or burgers. Duncan: Mushroom risotto. Jackson: I'm a terrible cook, so probably order in pizza. Spencer: I can cook a mean vegetarian curry.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Liam: I'm a lover of all animals, I've adopted two greyhounds and I've also fostered lambs. I need more in my life. Duncan: Same. Jackson: Pets are amazing. Spencer: I don't have much space for pets at my place, but I do love them. Please let me babysit your pets, thanks.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Liam: Bubble tea. Duncan: Srirarcha. Jackson: Jameson.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Liam: About a month ago, but I find it very hard to choose over my bed, so I just don't bother going and pay for a membership anyway. Duncan: Never, I'll see you outside for a run. Jackson: Literally never. Spencer: I prefer a run too.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Liam: Unpopular opinion, I love chores. Except putting the bins out on bin night. Duncan: Dusting. Jackson: Vacuuming.

Do you have any phobias... Liam: Moths. They’re unpredictable and flappy. Duncan: Giant cockroaches. I lived briefly in Sydney, I'll leave it at that. Jackson: Ocean/ water, I fell off a boat when I was younger, and that was enough.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? Liam: Only if it was something like a renovation show where I get a newly decorated house. Or 'Pimp My Ride', so I can get a jacuzzi in the back of my Honda Jazz. Duncan: 'Great British Bake Off'. Mainly just to hear Noel Fielding say "bake". Jackson: I definitely wouldn't take part in reality TV.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Liam: My wife, talking to her through our son's baby monitor like a creepy baby ghost. Duncan: Liam! I would go into his closet and colour in all of the stripes on his Adidas pieces. Maybe his Fred Perry as well for good measure.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? Liam: I used to go to this local 24-hour American diner when I lived in the UK. I'd order a full English at 4am and it was the best decision of my life. I'd make it vegan these days. Duncan: Tao Dumplings. So cheap. So good. Dumplings. Fried rice. Any day of the week. Jackson: Kebab Nation, 100 per cent.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? Liam: Morty Smith – usually the only person with the voice of reason. Duncan: Patrick Swayze as Snake in 'Escape From New York'. Why? Cause you know I'd look good with a mullet and an eye patch. Jackson: Otto from 'The Simpsons', because I want to drive a bus.

Last show you binge-watched? Liam: I love 'Abbott Elementary', it's hilarious. But I usually just go straight to watching 'The Office' on repeat. Duncan: 'The Bear'. Funny, fresh and heartwrenching. The depictions of working in a kitchen gave me stress-inducing flashbacks for my many previous jobs working as a cook. Jackson: 'Avatar: The Last Airbender', I feel like it speaks for itself.

Virgin Mary Disco play The Retreat Hotel (Melbourne) tonight, 28 April.

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