Introducing Pop-Rock-Punk Band Ojay

Ojay are a pop-rock-punk band from Perth.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A pop-rock-punk band from Perth, Ojay infuse the tones of the '90s into their melodies, creating modern sing-alongs with catchy hooks brimming with an infectious energy.

The quartet of Condo, Sully, Skills and Marshy first announced themselves from Perth's southern suburbs in early 2018, releasing the album 'Peppermoth'. They then were regular performers up and down the WA coast before the pandemic saw them take a hiatus.

Earlier this year, they released the concept album titled 'The Ride' that they describe is 'all about the dull and also exciting parts of growing up in Perth'.

"After almost five years of hard work we're very excited to announce our new album 'The Ride' is available on all platforms.

"A big thank you to everyone who's been patient for almost half a decade – we can happily deliver it to you now."

Who is Ojay... We're four mates from the southern suburbs of Perth, formed in 2018, released an album, had a hiatus over COVID and now we've just released our new concept/ story album and we're back into it.

We sound like... Your new favourite band. Imagine Green Day meets Ed Sheeran meets Matchbox 20 meets Fall Out Boy – something for everyone.

Our first gig was... We had all been playing in countless bands at countless shows for years before Ojay, but I think the first show that Ojay played as a unit was our debut album launch in 2018 at the YMCA HQ with Those Who Dream and Last Lions. My first ever gig was at a bowls club when I was like eight or something, and I sang 'The Duck Song' to drunken cheers.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... We had taken a particular psychoactive substance and one of our members became convinced he was a glass of orange juice and rolled around on the floor repeating "I am OJ, I am OJ"; and we all kind of got stuck in the loop and started chanting with him, and that's when we all looked at each other and realised, 'We are Ojay', and it stuck.

In the studio we usually... Are at home in my shed sinking beers.

If we could tour with anyone... We'd love to tour with Spacey Jane just because we came from the same scene as them and crossed paths a few times. Would be awesome to put Perth on the map even more and represent it a little bit.

Social media is... A necessary evil.

My favourite app at the moment is... Probably my Notes app. Makes it super easy to stay on top of to-do lists and to organise gigs and such, as well as writing songs on the go. (It's actually UberEats but my pride is too fragile to admit it)

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... We attended a radio interview a few years ago and I went to shake one of the man's hands only to realise he was blind as I was staring at him with my outstretched hand. I'll never live that down.

Life on the road can be... Nothing but fun honestly. All the bad stuff is so worth it when you're doing what you love.

If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Four shots of tequila – our pre-show ritual.

The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... Immediately before we were supposed to go onstage for our debut album launch, Sully dropped his guitar and the neck snapped clean off. Sully being the only left-handed guitarist in all four bands, one of the boys from Those Who Dream restrung his guitar upside down and let Sully play it. Will never forget that night!

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Probably Kanye West just to see how quickly he could get us cancelled.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Probably Los Angeles because it seems like the polar opposite of Perth. I'd love to just bathe in the chaos for a bit.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Charlie Sheen, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Amy Schumer. What a night that would be.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? A fat bone-in ribeye and some BBQd veggies. Perfection.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Absolutely love dogs; can not get my head around cats, which probably upsets the feline lovers reading this.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Beer.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Contrary to popular belief we all do our best to keep on top of our health, so you'll find us in the gym a few times a week.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Cleaning out my closet is a tedious chore.

Do you have any phobias... I HATE snakes. You'd think growing up on a farm would get you used to that sort of stuff but it's definitely the opposite for me.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? I would love to go on 'Married At First Sight' just to cause as much drama as humanly possible and then leave.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? I think felony identity theft or criminal arson on one of the boys in the band would be a bit of a giggle.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? KFC has got to be the go-to. The pleasure to pain time-frame is so short but my god is the pleasure good.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? Eric Cartman.

Last show you binge-watched? 'The Mandalorian' all the way. Huge 'Star Wars' fan.

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