Introducing Patch Pilot

Patch Pilot
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.
Who is Patch Pilot... Rising from the ashes of former pop-rock group The Larks, Patch Pilot combines the classic rock backing of Darcy Love with the clean pop vocal stylings of Peter Harvey to create a sound that falls in a niche that is screaming for acknowledgement.

Our first gig... As Patch Pilot is at the Elephant Hotel on March 19. However, Darcy and Peter spent the past year playing all across Brisbane in former band The Larks.

When did you settle on the group’s name, and was it a unanimous decision? The name Patch Pilot was tossed into the fray when we were deciding names for our last band, however we felt this time it suited our sound and image the best.

If we could tour with anyone... We would chose to tour with McFly, as they are our role models. It would be such an incredible experience to tour with a band we have looked up to for so long.

Life on the road can be... Dangerous with Darcy at the wheel. From running a little late to getting completely lost, at times we feel we should just hire an actual driver.

The most scary scenario we’ve found ourselves in was... When we were loading our car after our first gig. We looked up to find ourselves surrounded by angsty teenagers looking for somewhere to buy weed. We believed we were about to be mugged for drugs we didn’t have, it turns out they just wanted to give Darcy the number of one of the girls — asking for drugs was just their way of breaking the ice.

What celebrity would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Carrie Hope Fletcher, one of Peter’s role models, the sister of Tom Fletcher (a member of McFly), and also a successful musician in her own right.

Carrie Hope FletcherPatch Pilot play Elephant Unplugged at the Elephant Hotel Wednesday March 19.

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