Blaring from the Central Coast of NSW, New Regulars are making big noise across the country with their pounding, garage-blues rock.
From the opening, fuzzy riffery of debut single 'Stolen Honey' and grinding guitars of current single ‘Shut Up’, there's a healthy serving of hook-laden grooves reminiscent of The Black Keys, Jimi Hendrix and Kings of Leon.
Who are New Regulars? We’re a three piece, indie-rock band from the Central Coast of NSW and we’ve been around for two and a half years or so. Our current line-up’s been together for the past 12 months, made up of Kurt Ellis (lead guitar/vocals), Cypress Bartlett (drummer), and Anthony Collins (bass).
We sound like... We have influences ranging from Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix to Kings Of Leon and The Black Keys. We ended up sounding like New Regulars.
Our first gig was…
[Kurt] The Grand Hotel Wyong on a Thursday night was the first gig we did with Anthony in the band.
[Cypress] A small place in Gosford with Kurt. There was food service while we served our music. Rocked it out too!
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... [Cypress] A couple of years back. The name was taken from a line in one of our songs ('Hollywood Deranged'). That was all Kurt.
In the studio we usually...
[Kurt] Record?
[Cypress] Eat a sandwich.

If we could tour with anyone...
[Kurt] Definitely The Black Keys.
[Cypress] Kings Of Leon for sure, although, James Maynard Keenan if I were on my own. Love his philosophies.
[Anthony] If it were up to me, Slash.
Social media is...
[Kurt] A great place to check us out online.
[Cypress] A new era for human interaction. Also a blight on it, too.
[Anthony] A very useful tool for communicating with fans and getting what we have to say out there. I personally waste too much time on Facebook though.
My favourite app at the moment is…
[Kurt] eBay, because I’m looking to buy a new Fender guitar.
[Cypress] Spotify. Never have I experienced so much music and influence from friends and strangers at the touch of a button.
[Anthony] Spotify. Love the convenience of having any music I want (excluding The Beatles…sad face) whenever I want.
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... None, we’re total professionals! Ha!
Life on the road can be...
[Kurt] Amazing, amazing, amazing. I wish I could take everyone with me.
[Cypress] Amazing! Tedious drives, but nonetheless, an incredible experience and wouldn’t do it with anyone else.
[Anthony] Super fun! There’s nothing better than a long, road trip with good friends. It can also be tiresome and tedious at times though, of course, although I’m not sure I’m in a position to say that because I’m still on my Ls.
If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that the rider contains...
[Kurt] Mangoes. Right now, though, even water would be good…
[Cypress] What is a rider? If it’s food, then yes, please.
[Anthony] Personally, I’d ask for Budweiser.

The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was...
[Kurt] Nearly being locked in a vault/ safe during a photo shoot.
[Anthony] That I can recall, as a band, was driving in Melbourne. Scary, scary roads. A few, near T-bones were enough to keep us on our toes.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band?
[Kurt] I don’t know. Tom Jones? Carl Barron?
[Cypress] None other than the handsome Leonardo Di Caprio. Why? 'Blood Diamond' and 'Titanic'. Seriously.
[Anthony] I agree with Kurt’s answer of Carl Barron.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party...
[Kurt] Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, and Albert Einstein. If you could hear Jimi play the guitar, Elvis singing, and Albert explaining relativity, a vortex would open up.
[Cypress] Frank Sinatra, James Maynard Keenan and Hans Zimmer.
[Anthony] Slash!
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
[Kurt] Hamburgers.
[Cypress] Mexican Stuff, you know, wraps, beans and tequila. But yeah, chicken wraps…
[Anthony] Spaghetti Bolognese. That’s about the limit to my cooking knowledge.
No matter the expense, send me a case of...
[Kurt] Guitars, please!
[Cypress] Knowledge… but I do enjoy a good scotch.
[Anthony] Beer?
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was...
[Kurt] Six months ago. Too busy playing!
[Cypress] The last time I stepped outside.
[Anthony] Wow. A good few years ago.
What's the one chore you dislike the most?
[Kurt] Washing up isn’t fun.
[Cypress] The one I never started.
[Anthony] They’re all up there, but doing the dishes is a personal grievance.
Do you have any phobias... please explain?
[Kurt] Nothing scares me.
[Cypress] The phobia of regret.
[Anthony] Yup, heights and spiders. Little spiders are okay, but as soon as there’s a big, hairy one nearby, count me out.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? If so, what type?
[Kurt] No!
[Cypress] No, no and no. Except for the freak show of life.
[Anthony] 'The Bachelor' for obvious reasons ;)
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down?
[Kurt] There are friends of mine – they may or may not be band mates – that could use a good scare, actually. Not sure when or how, but it will happen.
[Cypress] I ain’t got no time fo dat!
[Anthony] Kurt always makes a good target. A personal favourite prank of mine is putting someone’s (Kurt’s) number up on Gumtree with a fake ad of a ridiculously too-good-to-be-true nature, then sitting back and waiting for the carnage that is endless texts and phone calls coming in.
New Regular Tour Dates with Dean Ray
Thu 16 Apr - Souths Juniors (Sydney)Fri 17 Apr - Dapto Leagues Club
Sat 18 Apr - Oxford Arts Factory (Sydney)
Sun 19 Apr - Rooty Hill RSL