Introducing Louie & Patrick

Louie & Patrick
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Louie & Patrick are a young, acoustic duo from Byron Bay who love nothing more than sitting on the back porch and strumming a new tune.

Having played together for nearly five years in a multitude of acts spanning music of all genres, Louie & Patrick return to the simple and honest pop songs of old.

Inspired by the likes of Kings Of Convenience and Simon & Garfunkel, they hope their close harmonies and quiet songs will captivate audiences all over.

Who is Louie & Patrick... We are two, greasy fellas from Byron Bay who play music of all sorts together. As a performing duo, we are whispering-guitar pickers eager to share our songs.

We sound like… Two voices and two guitars with harmony between.

Our first gig was… In the Byron Bay Theatre where we played two Kings Of Convenience songs and decided not to become a tribute band.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision… It’s a long story. It involves pivotal decisions made by our respective families almost 18 years ago. Some say that Patrick and Louie rolls nicer off the tongue. It doesn’t.

In the studio we usually… Try to make each other laugh while doing vocal takes. Patrick likes to do Elvis impersonations.

If we could tour with anyone… We’d pick some hip hop badasses like OFWKTA or something. Folk tours can’t be that exciting, I’d imagine.

Social media is… Useless for us at the moment now that Facebook charges money to reach your audience. Luckily Dad always likes our statuses.

My favourite app at the moment is… I’ve got one that you point at aeroplanes flying overhead and it tells you where they’re going. Doesn’t ever work too well but I like the idea.

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time… We arrived late to a gig with broken guitars and no capos. Hard to be specific as to the most embarrassing time because that’s most shows.

Life on the road can be… Short. We haven’t played much outside of Byron.

If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains… Beer. The more expensive and exotic the better.


The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was… One time we supported this band and like two people showed up to the gig. Then the band starts up and it’s this weird, circus music and they were all giving off this creepy vibe in an empty room and we couldn’t leave because we were half the audience, so we just had to sit there waiting for it to end.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band… I didn’t know bands could get spokespeople. Maybe Snoop.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Something with way too many spices and ingredients.

No matter the expense, send me a case of… Portland Bridgeport India Pale Ale. This is a beer question yeah?


The last time I saw the inside of a gym was… Two days ago. There’s one across the carpark from our go-to coffee place and it has enough windows to offer a glimpse or so at the interior.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? There’s always the sad moment when you realise the dishwasher is clean.


Do you have any phobias... please explain? Spiderwebs in the dark between the house and the studio. Too many involuntary spasms in that space.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? If so, what type? I’d love to go on ‘Spicks And Specks’. Only if Adam Hills still hosted, not this new, lame-poser crew. That’s not reality TV, is it? We haven’t plugged our TV in for years.

Louie & Patrick will be playing the Woodford Folk Festival. Check them out at the following performances:

Sat 27 Dec at Small Hall
Sun 28 Dec at Small Hall
Tue 30 Dec at Pineapple Lounge
Wed 31 Dec at Bill’s Bar

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