Introducing LA Indie Pop-Rock Artist Wallice

Wallice is an indie artist from Los Angeles
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After announcing herself with the indie-pop glory of her 2020 debut single 'Punching Bag', LA indie artist Wallice is back with another slice of shoegaze-flavoured rock with 'Hey Michael'.

The single, which features her close friend and producer marinelli, will be included on Wallice's debut EP, 'Off The Rails', that is due to be released June 2021.

Of the song's inspiration, Wallice shares: "'Hey Michael' is a revenge anthem for anyone who has encountered a gaslighting, manipulative person.

"It's what I wish I would have said to all the 'Michael's' I have met in my life. It can be substituted by many names; we all know or have met a 'Michael' though.

"Somehow the world revolves around them and they just can't catch a break, because they never do anything wrong and it's usually your fault. You should have listened to your gut instinct and swiped left on this Michael."

Who is Wallice... I was born and raised in LA. I'm half Japanese and half white, but my white mom lived in Japan for a few years, so I grew up heavily influenced by Japanese culture.

I grew up playing a couple of different instruments (most notably cello), and then I eventually learned classical guitar in high school. That's my main instrument now.

I sound like... A modern version of '90s Weezer, but if Rivers Cuomo was a girl and was heavily influenced by Lana Del Rey.

My first gig was... Actually acting – I was on 'Frasier' when I was four years old. But my first music gig (other than high school jazz band performances) was at Hotel Cafe in Hollywood when I was around 19.

My band consisted of me, my boyfriend, and my producer/ best friend/ sometimes drummer marinelli. A bunch of my family came out to support.

When did you settle on your name... My artist name is just my legal first name. Up until high school I went by my middle name, Hana, because people used to make fun of Wallice for being a boys name. Now I'm super happy with how unique my name is (partly because my parents misspelled it on my birth certificate).

In the studio I usually... Come in with an idea for a song, make a lot of jokes, and play guitar until it's done.

If I could tour with anyone... I would want to tour with The Drums. I've loved them since high school and got to seem them live at Tropicalia in 2019. Their set, stage presence and performance was so amazing.

Social media is... Strange? But a great way to meet new people and make new friends – or find really amazing restaurants.

My favourite app at the moment is... I spend too much time on TikTok. It's so easy to spend hours scrolling through videos and their algorithm is really good 'cause I see a lot of dog videos, ceramics, and strange humour. So I love it.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I can't think of anything specific (I think I've blocked them out of my memory) but it's unbearably embarrassing when you belt out a song at the wrong part of the song.

Life on the road can be... I've never been, but it sounds tiring and rewarding. When I eventually go, I want to get ripped from lifting stuff all day, haha!

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that our rider contains... Plastic-free filtered water source. I hate excess waste and try to minimise my own day to day.

The scariest scenario I've found myself in, was... I think this is a question about like tour life and stalkers and stuff, but since I don't have any of those anecdotes, I'll talk about the time I got caught in a rip current in Waikiki, Hawaii, in a floaty when I was like 10 and had to swim out of it.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? I love Japan. Specific city would probably be Osaka. I love the food, architecture and culture so much.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Trisha Paytas, Robert Pattinson, and Bernie Sanders. I don't think any of them would get along, but I love them all and that would be a wild and insane dinner.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? I would probably make sushi, including homemade spicy tuna, sesame salmon, egg sushi, and seared 'aburi' salmon or mapo tofu with rice and bok choy. I can also make boba from scratch, and vegan matcha cheesecake. I'm best at cooking Asian food.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? OMG I LOVE ANIMALS!

I have a cat right now and he is a little bit of a nuisance at times. He's getting old, and he's a weirdo who loves to throw up in the only carpeted room of the house. But I really want a dog, specifically a grey pitbull.

I grew up with two rescue dogs. One of them was a Dalmatian (we got her at the pound, idk who would ever get rid of a Dalmatian) and a pitbull. I loved them so much. They were the best, most loving and sweet dogs. I can't wait to have a house one day and be able to get a dog.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Sushi?

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Oh man... before quarantine I was in really good shape. I would go to hot yoga, or the gym, or pilates like five times a week and I'd wake up at 7am to do it.

But that has NOT been the case this last year. I've been trying to run outside, but it's been rough to say the least, haha.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Cleaning up my grandpa cat's bodily fluid messes.

Do you have any phobias? I do not like feet. Not necessarily a phobia, but kind of a phobia. They are just really gross for some reason, but I'm not unreasonable about it.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? I really would love to be on a cooking competition show. I wanted to apply for 'Nailed It', the baking show on Netflix, but I didn't meet the deadlines to apply.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Probably my boyfriend. I am so bad at pranks, and he is genuinely the most funny person I have met. So I'd like to 'get' him, but I have no idea what I would pull. I used to love 'Punk'd' when I was little; I'd love to do something really elaborate like they used to do.

Best local takeaway joint for a 2am feed that will leave you with a food coma? I feel like there isn't anything open at 2am around me, but Pine and Crane in Silverlake is usually my go-to spot. I have been there so many times that a couple of the people that work there remember me.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? I haven't watched much of 'Adventure Time', but I like Marceline and a couple people have said I look like her (it's the hair). I also like to write songs on the guitar like she does.

Last show you binge-watched? I recently started 'Arrested Development' from the beginning and I love it so much. Every few seconds I'm laughing, I have no idea how they come up with it. The writing is perfect.

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