Next Tuesday, Perth-based Richmond Street Records will host a launch night at Northbridge night spot, The Bird.
Bands set to perform include: Rich King Matthews, Kat Wilson, Elkwood, Matt Cal and Three Tales.
Who is... Kat Wilson is a four-piece music project, formed late 2013 and fronted by Katie Wilson. Ginger native, Katie Wilson is joined by shred dog Dan Berne, bass-soul man Tamatoa Rima and Ben Winstanley on the sticks.
We sound like... Coastal blues. A mash between Warpaint, Bruce Springsteen and Local Natives.

Our first gig was... In a backyard, and then at the Rosemount Hotel.
In the studio we usually... Eat pizza and jam for extended amounts of time.
If we could tour with anyone... It would be with The Boss, Bruce Springsteen, just ‘cause.

Social media is... A trap!! Nah, it’s great. Love those cat-dancing videos that get shared around each day.
My favourite app at the moment is... Hyperlapse by Instagram. It captures a video then speeds it up! So much novelty!
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Our lead singer Katie's pants ripped on stage. Oh the cringe and awkward movements.
Life on the road can be... Smelly.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Oprah! She shouts like a boss at people and maybe in private she'll give us a car or something. We could really go for a new band-mobile. Someone let her know.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Meat on the BBQ and lots of it.
No matter the expense, send me a case of... Records from the ‘60s.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... 1st January, 2014. Oh the New Year’s resolutions.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Ah, dishes! All that soapy, dirty water with moist chunks of food floating around. Tap out.
The Richmond Street Records launch takes place at The Bird, Perth, on Tuesday 23rd September.