The guitar-slinging, banjo-wielding ‘freak’ known as Karl S. Williams is currently travelling around the country.
After a busy November, Karl has a number of dates remaining throughout December. With a new album, ‘Heartwood’, and recent showcases at Bigsound in Brisbane and CMJ Music Marathon in New York, we thought it time to find out a little more about the long-haired, bearded one.
Who is Karl S. Williams... Well, firstly it is the individual called ‘Karl S. Williams’, a consciousness inhabiting the temporary vessel of this body. In addition, a circle of friends have kindly joined me in my musical endeavours and have kindly allowed themselves to fall under the banner of my personal name. These gentlemen are Jesse Carroll (on drums; our campaigns go way back), Daniel Aurora (on bass; a prodigious polymath), George Carpenter (on organ’ prodigiously moustached and a delightful conversationalist) and Crick Boue (on electric guitar; a beacon of style and sage advice).
We sound like… Some curious melange of old America – delta blues and Appalachian banjo tunes, combined with soul, a touch of the dirt and grit of rock & roll and just enough piano drama a la Nina Simone.

First gig was... Oh many moons ago, I believe at Currumbin Creek Tavern in Queensland. I believe the bar staff outnumbered the patrons, but mercifully all seemed to enjoy my fledgeling sound.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... I suspect it was some time around March 1983 (the year and month of my landing on this planet). The decision was made for me by my parents, I expect that it was decided unanimously between them. Certainly there is legal recourse for changing these things, but as it’s already printed on the cover of my album, I think I’ll roll with it.
In the studio we usually... Don’t have nearly enough time, and yet always find a way to retrieve the miracle.
If I could tour with anyone... There are too many names to list, but I’d love to share a stage with Ray LaMontagne.

Social media is... A great blessing and a great distraction. Perhaps, ultimately, a great test of self discipline, like so many things. It truly is a powerful tool for connecting with a whole world of potential fans and a wonderful asset for a musician.
My favourite app at the moment is... I had some fun making time-lapse videos with Hyperlapse recently and also an app that very authentically impersonated a Super 8 film camera.
To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I neglected to show up for a gig. Deepest apologies to The Bearded Lady (they know they have my eternal love).
Life on the road can be... Very enjoyable if one is adequately prepared, or very adventurous if one elects to ‘prepare’ on the fly.
If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that our rider contains... Frankly, a nice meal would really be welcome over a fridge full of liquor. It could be just a can of beans.

Karl S. Williams Tour Dates
Fri 12 Dec - Plantation Hotel (Coffs Harbour)Sat 13 Dec - Festival Of The Sun (Port Macquarie)
Wed 17 Dec - Black Bear Lodge (Brisbane)
Thu 18 Dec - Sol Bar (Sunshine Coast)
Fri 19 Dec - The Soundlounge (Gold Coast)