‘December’ is the new single from Julia Henning’s debut album, ‘Fledgling’.
Crowdfunded by her fans through Pozible.com and recorded with Govinda Doyle (Angus & Julia Stone), ‘Fledgling’ is a soul stirring tapestry of real life conflicts and emotions.
Who is Julia Henning… Singer/ songwriter, currently on her first national tour with her band promoting their album ‘Fledgling'.
We sound like… If Coldplay, Paramore and Leonard Cohen had a baby, it would be us.
Our first gig… As a band, was at The Sydney Opera House, we had meant for it to be a little home town venue but I came down with laryngitis and had to cancel.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision… When I joined up with my awesome band mates I wanted to rename the band something completely different. But the boys convinced me to keep it under my name as my writing is really the backbone for the project.
In the studio we usually… Fall asleep, especially during drum set-up and tuning.
If we could tour with anyone… It would be Leonard Cohen as he is pretty much my hero, but I think supporting a Katy Perry tour would be fun!

Social media is… Time consuming.
My favourite app at the moment is… The Blogilates app. I love how upbeat Cassey is and it makes it super easy to workout while on the road.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time… I was bowled over by a man in a wheelchair whose carer had forgotten to put on the brake while going down an escalator. I ended up dislocating my knee in the middle of a busy shopping centre and had some interesting moments once the pain meds kicked in. Turns out I get *extremely* polite and loving to my fellow people. I also apparently left the hospital in just a hospital gown…You know the ones that open at the back…Yeah.
Life on the road can be… Surprising — we never know what’s going to happen or who we’re going to meet. It’s an adventure!
If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains… Water! The amount of times a rider only includes alcohol, not soft drink let alone water is staggering. We as a band make a rule not to drink before a show, so it can be pretty annoying if water isn’t included on the rider.
The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was… Finding out I had two shows booked at the Sydney Opera House and only 12 weeks to write 12 songs to have enough material to even perform with a band who had never played a show together!
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band… Russell Brand or Leonard Cohen as they are both so eloquent with words and changing peoples pre-conceptions.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party… Oooh! I think about this one all the time! I’d go with Nathan Fillion, Lucy Liu and Leonard Cohen. I think the conversation would be incredible!

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? My partner and I are vegetarians so I’d probably cook you up a platter of all of my favourite vegetarian foods. My speciality though is spinach, feta and sun-dried tomato cannelloni.
Damn the expense, send me a case of… Charlesworth Chocolate raspberries (the fruit kind).
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was… 2010. I hate the gym. I find it’s a waste of money and I never enjoy going. I prefer to work out at home or outside. Getting outdoors and feeling the sun and wind on my skin is a huge part of keeping me happy and focused.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Cleaning cutlery. I don’t have a dishwasher and that’s fine. But washing and drying cutlery is for some reason so frustrating and repetitive I just can’t stand it!
Julia Henning Tour Dates
Fri Aug 22 - The Catfish Band Room (Melbourne)Sat Aug 23 - Grumpys Green (Melbourne)
Wed Aug 27 - Smith's Alternative (Canberra)
Thu Aug 28 - FBI Social (Sydney)
Fri Aug 29 - Small Ballroom (Newcastle)
Sat Aug 30 - Armidale Club (Armidale)
Sun Aug 31 - No. 5 Church St (Bellingen)
Thu Sept 4 - Beetle Bar (Brisbane)