Introducing Indie Rockers Cardboard Cutouts

Cardboard Cutouts are an indie rock band based in Brisbane-Toowoomba.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Indie charmers Cardboard Cutouts are building a solid reputation in the Brisbane and Toowoomba indie scenes for a brand of infectious rock-pop that gets dance-floors grooving.

Originally forming in high school when Eliot Argus (lead vocals, guitar) and Rohan Parker (drums) answered the call to play a 30th birthday party (learning a bunch of ABBA songs along the way), the duo realised they wanted to pursue the music life.

After releasing their debut single 'Such Is Life' in 2019 with their mate Jackson joining on bass, they then recruited guitarist Campbell Patterson (despite "a troublesome trombone incident"). That lead to their debut EP 'Weekends' in 2021.

Cardboard Cutouts said goodbye to Jackson that same year (he moved away to get a real job), which led to their current bassist Sebastian Czaran joining the group.

Since then, they've shared stages with the likes of Phil Jamieson, Greta Stanley and Vera Blue while building their own fan base.

As they continue their push to play bigger stages, Cardboard Cutouts' newest release is the single 'Thinking Too Much' (out today) that features Brisbane punk-rock artist Amy Elise.

Who is Cardboard Cutouts... The band started in 2017/ 2018 with myself (Eliot) and Rohan when we were asked to play at a 30th birthday party. We spent every single lunch break at school learning a bunch of ABBA songs; to be honest, I don't think the birthday boy was that impressed.

After the gig, we didn't know what to do with ourselves, so we got our mate Jackson to learn bass and we put together a song called 'Such Is Life', which we still play to this day.

After a couple of years as a three-piece, Campbell stumbled into the band after a troublesome trombone incident and has stuck around since.

We recorded our first EP, 'Weekends', in 2021 and welcomed Seb to the band after Jackson moved away to get a real job. So Seb joined us for a few gigs as a 'hired' bass player, but then we thought he made us look really good, so he joined the band full time.

Our first gig was... Eliot: It was at a small community festival in Toowoomba at the First Coat studio, which had a collective of artists, musicians and activists from around the Darling Downs region. I think we supported Lucy Korts and another band that I'm not sure exist anymore – 10/10 killed it.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... Rohan: Eliot suggested we be called Grandmas Curtains and after we decided that wasn't it, he suggested Cardboard Cutouts. I liked the alliteration, and it didn't really give off a particular sound or genre vibe so we could mould it into a working brand for our unique sound.

In the studio we usually... Rohan: Set up a fancy kit; I record all of the songs in a few takes, and then wait hours for everyone else.

If we could tour with anyone... Seb: I reckon either Bugs, The Vanns or Smith Street; they're fairly large influences to our sound, and similar in energy and tonality too, so it'd be a nice mix.

Social media is... Campbell: A phenomenal way to waste an afternoon.

My favourite app at the moment is... Seb: Spotify. Gives us the opportunity to keep track of our favourite bands and connect and keep up with bands we've played with and enjoy.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... Rohan: I once forgot to bring a drum seat to a gig and had to play on two milk crates.

Life on the road can be... Eliot: It's so fun because I never drive on the long trips.

I commentate the entire thing like I'm Ray Warren and instigate arguments about why Elvis Costello is the single greatest songwriter to grace the earth. Something ALWAYS goes wrong, but we never have to worry because our great friend and rodeo, Big Jordy, always, without fail has a fix for the situation. Last time we went to Roma, he singlehandedly saved our gig.

If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Seb: We're not picky when it comes to the bill; we're happy just to show up, play and get paid, however we definitely wouldn't mind getting a coupla cheeky drinks. Glow in the dark plectrums also go hard.

The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... Campbell: When we were much newer to this, we did a gig and our old bass player accidentally parked in a bus zone.

Once we returned from the gig, his car had been towed, along with everyone's personal belonging that weren't taken in. Six hours and one massive fine later, we were finally reunited.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Eliot: My man Barack for sure. How sweet would it be for him to give a motivational speech mid set before a breakdown.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Rohan: I would live in Edmonton, Canada. I have a couple of legendary friends there that I go to festivals with whenever they are in Australia. They are also super supportive of the band, so shoutout to Alex and Eric.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Seb: Jordy our roadie and mate would definitely have to be top of the list for a party; literally prepared for everything and an pleasure to have around. Maybe King Charles just to see what happens and probably someone like Prince or Freddie Mercury, they seemed to have some wild nights back in the day.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Campbell: The dinner of champions and lazy people the world over: x2 packets of Indomie Mi Goreng, with Sriracha and a fried egg.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Eliot: Sebastian's dog makes me want to cry, it's a puppy, and does not shut up in the middle of the night. It's been a month and I don't think I've had a full eight hours since that thing walked in the door. He's cute though :)

Seb: We all love pets, especially dogs and well trained and quiet ones at that, as long as they don't keep you up at all hours of the night, we're all for it.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Rohan: Red Bull. So the story here is we bullied the legends at Red Bull into sending us two cases of Red Bull. So we aren't sponsored but go buy Red Bull x

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Campbell: I see the inside of a gym very frequently for about a week, and then require a six-eight month recovery. I'm about a month into recovery at the moment.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Rohan: Listening to all the other musicians in the band talk about unimportant things like chords and harmonies.

Do you have any phobias... Eliot: Spiders are ridiculous. Everything in the ocean wants to kill me. Needs no explanation, it's just fact.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? Campbell: I reckon I would do great on 'MasterChef Junior'. Having at least an extra decade on the kids, I'd probably be in with a fighting chance.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Rohan: I would prank Seb by laughing at all his bad jokes and telling him he's funny so that he gets falsely confident and says stupid things to strangers.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? Seb: Junktion Cafe in Toowoomba does an incredibly tasty bahn mi and pho that's to die for. Can't go passed a cheeky Zinger box though.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? Campbell: 93 per cent of my genetic make-up is the old dude from 'Up', minus the whole dead wife part.

Last show you binge-watched? Eliot: If you haven't seen 'Ted Lasso', you're living under a rock. It is seriously the best fictional TV show since they released the moon landing. It's heart-wrenching, hilarious and so loveable. It's the!

Cardboard Cutouts 2023 Tour Dates

Sat 8 Jul - Suzie Wongs (Brisbane)
Fri 14 Jul - Solbar (Sunshine Coast)* supporting The Colliflowers
Thu 20 Jul - The Rails (Byron Bay)* supporting Perry Street Park
Sat 22 Jul - Tinana Hotel (Maryborough)
Fri 4 Aug - Greaser (Brisbane)
Fri 11 Aug - Bodega (Toowoomba)

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