With the recent release of her new single 'Itchy Feet', indie artist Maggie Slater is bringing her band on the road this week for a four-date run of her home state Queensland before she returns to Melbourne later this month.
An artist who traverses the pop to folk spectrum with more rock influences flowing into her recent material, Maggie will release her new EP 'Live at DREADSOUND Studios' this Friday.'Itchy Feet' features on the EP, and is a song about coming to terms with the new person you've become after travelling and returning home to the mundane.
"I wrote this one back in 2019 about the weight and feeling of misplacement you feel when you return home post-travelling," Maggie says. "It's a song that really cemented what we were doing together as a band."
Who is Maggie Slater... I'm an artist from Far North Queensland who recently moved down to Melbourne for uni (I'm studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Politics and Creative Writing).
I started off doing a lot of folk/ pop kind of stuff, but I've been playing with my band on and off for three years now and that's really amped stuff up genre-wise; there's a lot more rock influence. I just turned 20 last month, so I'm definitely still trying to find my sound but I'm having a lot of fun in the process.
I sound like... Always the hardest question. I'll go purely off this new release that's about to come out, but you'll find influences from Soccer Mommy, Snail Mail, Wolf Alice and some old-school Blink 182-adjacent pop-punk.
My first gig was... My first gig EVER was at a hotel bar. Not the most exciting place ever, but I got paid and a free dinner afterward, which was pretty cool for a 15-year-old.
Our first gig as a band as we are now was my first EP launch in 2019. We got to open for Pete Murray at the Munro Martin Parklands; it was pretty incredible.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... Initially, we did discuss coming up with an alternate band name but I'd already put out solo stuff and since I was writing the songs we decided to just leave it as is.
We tried to come up with Maggie and the ____ for ages but could never agree on anything, so we just stuck with my name. Maybe we'll come up with something eventually.
If I could tour with anyone... Maybe Orla Gartland. I'm absolutely obsessed with her music at the moment, or Sidney Gish. If we're talking at any time in history, definitely Hole, that would be wild.
My favourite app at the moment is... Pretty boring but Facebook. I've become a bit of a Marketplace addict. Still can't find the right armchair though.
Life on the road can be... Ask again next week; our tour starts on Friday so we're in the process of preparing for the four-hour drive to Townsville.
If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Maggie: Sushi and some really nice gin. Tom: Chicken parmi and a packet of Snickers pods. Finn: Dr Pepper and some brie cheese. Maddy: Lemon, lime and bitters. Noah: A practice pad.
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... This one gig at The Brightside in Brissie. We played a couple of shows with our friend Ben when Maddy was stuck in Melbourne, and once when we were about to go on Ben thought he'd left his bass at home. Luckily he didn't, but it was a scary 30 seconds.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Bernie Sanders. My king.
If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Paris! Or honestly anywhere in France. I'm studying French at uni at the moment, so I'm itching to put it into practice.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Greta Gerwig, Sally Rooney and Zadie Smith. My three favourite female writers at the moment. I would love to pick their brains.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? I'd probably start with vegetarian Caesar salad using my Dad's famous recipe. Then for a main probably a nice pasta, fresh pasta only of course, with heaps of garlic and paired with a nice red wine. Dessert is a bit harder, but I had a go at making a French raspberry tart not too long ago and it turned out pretty okay so maybe I'd try my hand at that again.
When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Love them! I can't wait to get a bunny next year when I move out of uni accom.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Just before Melbourne went into lockdown, unfortunately. I usually go to the gym pretty frequently, it really helps me clear my head and manage my anxiety.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Folding clothes, my drawers are always so hard to shut as a result. Clothes hangers all the way.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? 'Great British Bake Off' or 'Come Dine With Me'. Though probably the latter unless I could have a bit of time to practice that raspberry tart.
Best local takeaway joint for a 2am feed that will leave you with a food coma? New York Minute in Melbourne – oh my god, it's so good and stays open stupid late.
Which fictional character best describes your personality? I've sought the answer from a bunch of friends, but my friend Nash is adamant that I'm exactly the same as Annie from 'Community'. Personally, I'd like to think of myself as more of a Jo March.
Last show you binge-watched (and what kept you glued to the screen)? 'Downton Abbey'! I'm yet to find a show that makes me feel as calm as this one. It is kind of just fan service by the end, but it's so lovely on the ears and eyes.
Maggie Slater 2021 Tour Dates
Fri 9 July - Otherwise Bar (Townsville)Sat 10 July - Laneway (Cairns)
Thu 15 July - The Brightside (Brisbane)
Sun 18 July - Vinnie's Dive (Gold Coast)
Fri 23 July - The Retreat Hotel (Melbourne)