Introducing Indie Pop Artist Nikki Wishart

Nikki Wishart is an indie pop artist living in Melbourne.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Writing sad-girl tunes for sad-girl drives, Nikki Wishart is an emerging indie pop artist living in Melbourne whose songwriting influences include Holly Humberstone and Chelsea Cutler.

Focused on portraying themes of passion and heartbreak with captivating, personal and mediative lyrics, Nikki's music is infused with a genuine energy that will endear her to fans of emotive-fuelled music.

After releasing a couple of singles earlier in the year ('Illusion' and 'Compromised'), Nikki's current release is titled 'Good Intent' that's "a heartfelt tale of misunderstood intentions and communication breakdown".

Who is Nikki Wishart... Compelling, intimate and reflective, Melbourne storyteller Nikki Wishart expresses music of the heart – from the hope and the epic highs of connection to the pain and utter confusion of unlabelled and undefined love.

Infused with thoughtful lyricism and an innate, authentic energy, Nikki is dynamic in her approach; infusing raw indie and acoustic elements to paint soaring and honest portraits of passion and heartbreak.

Taking inspiration from fellow singer-songwriters including Holly Humberstone and Chelsea Cutler, Nikki's musical style has an endearing sincerity that is only conjured by those who are committed to expressing universal emotions and creating connection with each and every one of her listeners.

I sound like... I'd say I sit in the indie pop category and take references from people like Gracie Abrams and Holly Humberstone.

My first gig was... With this artist project, my first gig was at a Melbourne venue called Stay Gold. Before that, I did everything from open mics to busking on the streets of Tamworth Music Festival – thanks to my family, who I dragged along for the ride.

When did you settle on your name... This was a pretty easy one for me. I have always felt connected to my real name and thought it was the best way to present my artist project. Who knows, maybe that will change in the future.

In the studio I usually... Expose my deepest, darkest secrets, haha. I always come in with these weird 'how does this all happen to you' stories. I'm sure my co-writers are thinking that in their minds.

If I could tour with anyone... 100 per cent artists along the lines of Gracie Abrams and Holly Humberstone.

Social media is... A tool but also sometimes an energy drainer? I've learnt the power of social media and the moments I need to turn it off before I spiral into second-guessing and feeling like I'm achieving less than those online. Over the past year, I turned off Instagram push notifications. Best decision ever.

My favourite app at the moment is... TikTok. Oh man, the strange things that come up on my FYP never fail to amuse me. Thanks to TikTok, I now have hundreds of random facts that I could only ever use if I were to enter a game show.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... That time someone wished me happy birthday, and I said, 'you too!'. I lie awake in bed thinking about that (not really, but you get what I mean).

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that the rider contains... Diet soda and fresh fruit. Some would say I'm pretty boring.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in was... I can't pinpoint anything at the moment, but in general I've made many big life decisions in a short amount of time. That can be super scary. Some failed, and some didn't. I think accepting that something is not working out is scary. Deciding that is not a sign of failure or defeat, just an opportunity to shift direction, can also be massively daunting.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson... Mmmmmmmm. Taylor Swift. She's not only incredibly talented but extremely business savvy too.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? I would love to live in London for a bit or even New York. I'm a massive musical theatre nerd, so I feel it would be the perfect fit.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Can they be alive or dead? If so, I'd pick Eddie Jaku, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Michelle Obama.

I love having conversations about change, the experience of others and world events. I think conversations between these three would be nothing short of incredible, and I would be honoured to be at that table.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Probably a curry or I can also make a mean spaghetti bolognese. I have always loved cooking. Give me a recipe, and I'll attempt to cook it.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Everyone knows I am animal obsessed, especially with my miniature dachshund, Frankie. He is all over my social media and is my main man.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Water! Just because I don't drink nearly enough of it, and maybe if it were super expensive, I'd feel guilted into actually drinking it regularly and consistently. I'm all about a strategy.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... A few hours ago. You will find me at a gym most days of the week. I find it's one of the best ways to stay mentally clear, set goals and feel great.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Is it weird to say that I find chores therapeutic? But if I had to pick, it would be washing all my sheets and having to put them all back on again. Who in the world thinks putting a fitted sheet on alone is easy?

Do you have any phobias... I'm not sure if it's a phobia or an intense dislike, but the sound of people chewing food gives me the ick. I can't deal with it.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? I actually was quite far into the casting process of 'Love Island' about two years ago, and I backed out. So I'd say 'The Bachelor' because I'm a little bit of a hopeless romantic.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? My friend and fellow musician, Noah. I'm not very creative when it comes to pranks. I'd probably jump scare him, haha.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? The Vietnamese place near me on Uber Eats does an epic Pho! Now I'm going to think about that for the rest of the day.

Last show you binge-watched? On a completely random note, I found the AND1 documentary on Netflix. I had always wondered where that brand went; now I know. No spoilers here!

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