Introducing Indie Artist Matt Graham

Matt Graham is an Australian singer-songwriter currently based in Queensland.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

A resident artist at Lefty's Music Hall in Brisbane with his band The B-Sides, where they transform Lefty's into a neo-soul playground once a month, Matt Graham is a young singer-songwriter, guitarist fans of SG Lewis and Tom Misch will enjoy.

The Australian spent two years in London (2019-2021) developing his artistry via a number of industry contacts including living in Mike Howlett's Garden Shed Studio.

His other songwriting mentors have included Liz Rose (Taylor Swift), Tom Busby (Busby Marou) and John Wilsteed (The Go-Betweens). Matt is also currently a session guitarist for Amy Sheppard's solo endeavours.

Matt's first release of 2022 is the new single 'Conversation' that he will release in October with a home-town show (12 October).

"If you can't find a way to talk about something difficult with someone you care about, the lyrics in this song are a guide for you," he says.

Who is Matt Graham... I'm an artist from Brisbane, raised in a crazy musical family, surrounded by an inspiring music community.

I'm first and foremost a singer-songwriter and guitarist, but I love producing and working with my session band, The B-Sides. I'm releasing music I care about and trying to connect with people, searching for music that makes them feel something.

I sound like... SG Lewis, Tom Misch; I was introduced to their music by my friend and mentor, Tom Hunt, when I lived in the UK. If I wasn't relating to the lyrics of 'Shivers' by SG, or 'It Runs Through Me' by T Misch, I was vibing the textures and sounds they pulled on productions and collabs.

My first gig was... Woodford Folk Festival was my first showcase I did in Australia! I was honoured to receive a call from Bill H (AM), while I was overseas in the UK in artist development, and he invited me fly back for a week and share what I was working on in 2019.

When did you settle on your artistic name, and was it a unanimous decision... I tried apps that make up a stage name, letting label execs pre-brand me, and gazed over snowy mountains of Nevada meditating, searching for the right name.

Turns out in the end it's about the songs you write and if they connect to someone, really I just want to be known for who I am instead of a parody or something I need to fit; I did name my session band The B-Sides though, like the b-side of a tape or vinyl record.

In the studio I usually... I was brought up in a music house so Dad being a producer/ engineer/ writer himself, had session players/ writers in and out at all hours growing up. Back then I'd drop in to assist or just listen to sessions.

Nowadays when I lead a session, I start with the lyrics and melody, then I place production elements around a core vocal performance.

If I could tour with anyone... Opening or touring for Daniel Caesar, Ed Sheehan, John Mayer, Anderson. Paak, SG Lewis, Tom Misch, Jordan Rakei, Busby Marou or Jem Cassar-Daley.

I love incredible songwriters and producers who can strip a song back to nothing but one instrument, but can also slap the speakers with massive energy if the crowd wants to bounce.

Social media is a... Complicated thing. On one hand it can be an incredibly isolating, dangerous place rife with insecurity, and on the other hand be a tool to connect when life is isolating, unsafe and uncertain.

It's exciting to see the digital world and the physical intersect at times, and other times it removes, degrades our humanity; all I know is I love memes.

My favourite app at the moment is... Disney+ 'cause I'm big into the Marvel series at the moment. If you have access and time, I recommend watching the Marvel movies in timeline order. Call me basic, I don't care, that's where I'm right now.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I was welcomed on stage by a warm-up act, who not only introduced me by the wrong name, but who also called out to the crowd with the wrong name of the city we were in. It was an honest mistake especially with dense touring, but I had to clear it all up as they got off the mic. Awkkkkwarddd start.

Life on the road can be... I met Stevie Wonder's touring drummer, Stanley Randolph, when I was leading jams at Ronnie Scott's in Soho, London, and he said the most beautiful and true thing about touring: "It's like being with your family." I think when you're with people you trust, you can do it to the wheels fall off.

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that the rider contains... Water, heat packs, a meal, studio monitors to produce and somewhere to stretch out please.

When you do enough corporate shows with 12-hour days and nothing but 1 or 2 canapés in passing, you just want the basics done well. Champagne to celebrate after the gig though would be a treat.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... Alcohol-fuelled violence is a really sad and scary thing to see in some of the places I've played.

I've seen guys stab a man almost to death on the Underground in London, I've seen full bars break out into brawling over a girl and "who she was with (gross)", and was in Isa 2015 when 300 people fought in the street with homemade weapons alone.

The scariest experience was after a finishing a gig around 3am, when a football fan on the street, and off his face, attacked me while trying to steal my guitar on the sidewalk on a game day.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson... Famous or not, if someone followed and loved my music enough to endorse it let alone listen, I would be honoured.

That's half the fun right? Putting music out, not knowing who's listening and expecting nothing but the possibilities of trying. I know I'm lucky when people who want to see me do well, put the music where it's seen and heard.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? My favourite places outside Australia to have lived in are Nashville and London.

All different, but teeming with so much energy you're forced to challenge yourself to be greater at your craft, under the city pressure and speed of the creative environments. I really want to suss out LA properly too.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... George Benson, Jamie Foxx, Dave Chappelle, Allan Watts.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? I've been getting into the Dinnerly thing these days but that just wouldn't cut it for such an occasion. Kokoda is Fijian Ceviche, and having my Fijian Grandmother, how could I not prepare something special for ya.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? I was dog sitting for some friends literally three weeks ago and I still miss lil Lola. She was superrr anxious at first but fully settled in after a day or too and became a big time cuddler in the studio. I love doggies. And hey cats, I love you too – minus the allergies.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Look, if scenestr is willing to keep me accountable by publicly laying out my fitness journey, maybe I will finally go to the gym consistently. Last time I saw the inside was through the glass – outside. I'm an outdoors type.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Nothing dreads me more than the thought of slapping on some crisp, white socks in a pair of perfectly maintained New Balances, to mow my lawn on a Sunday and wave at my neighbour as they do the same, or any day ever. I have hay fever.

Do you have any phobias... I used to be scared of spiders till I ate a BBQd tarantula in Thailand. Like in 'Batman' you know? To become fear you must conquer fear, and now look at me, I'm Spiderman.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? Ever heard of inter dimensional cable? Reality TV in Rick n Morty episodes is the only place I could possibly consider if we're talking reality TV. That, or I would chill with David Attenborough IRL on a doco-series which is about as real as it gets.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? My dear friend Dean; hectic drummer, has an equally messed up sense of humour as I do – has played Rock in Rio Brazil, to Jungle Love Festival, Queensland.

I pranked him for like two years into rolling me cigarettes when I used to smoke (naughty) and told him "I don't know how to!" Be careful who your friends are out there! PS. Dean, I owe you a pouch.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? 5 Spot in Nashville, pizza at the Italian joint across from Ronnie Scott's in London, and Pancake Manor in Brisbane.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? So I went onto just now, turns out I have the most in common with Abby Sciuto from 'NCIS' and Harry Potter from, well, 'Harry Potter'. Not too bad.

Last show you binge-watched? 'The Bear'. A world-class chef working in his recently passed brother's family restaurant back in his home town, and trying to rebuild it while managing the restaurant and dealing with life. If you've ever worked in hospo, the kitchen culture is, haha, almost too real.

Matt Graham and The B-Sides launch 'Conversation' at It's Still A Secret (Brisbane) 12 October.

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