Introducing Indie Artist Angus McColl

Angus McColl is an indie musician from Australia.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

An actor who's also a self-taught musician, Angus McColl recently took the covers of his debut single 'Dead', a hypnotic electro-indie song that was six months in the making.

Birthed from an intense heartbreak, Angus first wrote 'Dead' in the middle of the night in his apartment; after showing his housemate they then introduced Angus to producer-performer Andre Keuneman who was eager to collaborate.

"My housemate (Xela the artist) was working with a producer that day. She showed Andre the track," shares Angus.

"Later on I got a phone call saying he'd like to meet. I remember still being so tired and heartbroken I barely knew which way was up.

"I met Dre and he had this piano track written called 'Sad Billy'; he played it for me and as soon as I heard it, I wrote the song down in my notes: 'You take your pills in the morning, to numb the pain'; and sang it over his loop, that was in the first five minutes of meeting Andre.

"I went into the studio a mess, heart broken, torn apart. I left after six nmonths with something to prove, something to show for myself."

The accompanying music video visualises the heartbreak and narrative of the emotional fuel for ‘DEAD’. Dripping with emotion, the visuals could easily be mistaken for any A24 movie.

"I wanted every track to tell a story visually as well as musically. We wanted each piece of music to sound like it could be in a movie. A cinematic desire," Angus says.

"Jordan Simpson (Flowerboy production) is one of my closest friends who lives up the road. I played him the track and Andre and myself described the plot.

"I remember Jordy switched and looked so serious and said 'let's make it f...ed up amazing'.

"I remember rocking up to set on one of the car crash scenes and the car was smashed, smoke everywhere, lights in the trees, people running around, this was at 3am in a Maroubra carpark.

"I started tearing up because I couldn't believe this was happening, months of work and here we are on set. I felt so grateful and blessed by my friends."

Who is Angus McColl... Youngest of six. Grew up in between Margaret River and London. Find solace and happiness in the ocean. Half deaf from an accident when I was a baby; now have one working and hyper-sensitive ear. Loved the sound of piano from a young age.

I sound like... A sad Billie Eilish had a baby with a caffeinated Chet Faker. x

My first gig was... Margaret River bakery. Best gig ever, free pies and lamingtons.

When did you settle on your artistic name name, and was it a unanimous decision... My mum and dad made a unanimous decision that I would be called Angus McColl; the other choices were Bethany and Carol, I think they wanted a daughter.

In the studio  I usually... Cry and laugh. Sometimes, mostly at the same time.

If I could tour with anyone... Dom Fike and Anderson .Paak.

Social media is... God.

My favourite app at the moment... OOOOOhhhhh probably DiDi (shoutout DiDi, happy to accept free rides if you see this fam).

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... Once my mum slapped me in front of the whole school. I deserved it. Just so you know. I love her.

Life on the road can be... Living!

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that my rider contains... Chocolate digestive biscuits.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... Mexican border. Seriously.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Harry Styles, I could explain to the audience his dating life.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? New York. I just want to be around bagels and jazz!

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Leo, Tarantino, Eminem. I feel like that'd make a good story and movie.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Hey guys welcome :) How do you like your toast?

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Whatttttt?! I'm a lover. I grew up in a zoo. I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life until I watched 'Marley And Me'.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Peanut butter!

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... I like to train outside, but I'm all for working out. :)

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Love all chores, tell yourself that and their not as bad.

Do you have any phobias... Snakes man, I can't. I love sharks though, I'd cuddle them if they'd let me.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? You know those shows where they run across weird courses and the water is like jelly. They look fun af.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Cai Leplaw is an easy target. I tell all the girls I'm his boyfriend. Hahaha!

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? Big Johns!

Which fictional character best describes your personality? OOOOO The slinky dog in 'Toy Story'! Also Stuart Little, found dead in New York subway recently.

Last show you binge-watched? 'True Detective'; is phenomenal storytelling, acting and chemistry between cast.

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