After five and a half years of playing under the name The Electro Kid, in June Heirlooms decided to rename, regroup and start producing new tunes and kicking ass.
Who is Heirlooms...
We’re a pop punk band from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. We started back in 2010 under a different name and have pretty much completely changed everything about the band since then. 'Stepping Stones' will be our debut release under the name Heirlooms and we’re more than excited for people to hear it! We sound like a mixture of Motion City Soundtrack, State Champs and Jimmy Eat World.
Our first gig was...
Our first show was at The Hive in Brisbane opening for The Never Ever in 2011. Their lead singer, Dylan, ended up producing our upcoming release ‘Stepping Stones’.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision...
We changed our name to Heirlooms at the start of this year because we needed a fresh start. Here’s how it went down...

We thought about it some more and within two weeks we had changed the name of the band.
In the studio we usually...
Before we head to the studio we make sure we’ve learnt our parts perfectly so that when we are there we can get everything done efficiently. It helps give us more time to experiment with the gear which the studio has. This year we got to use a Moog Synthesiser on one of the tracks which was a really cool experience.
If we could tour with anyone...
Knuckle Puck. They’re a collective favourite for the band and seem like they’d be really fun dudes to tour with.
Social media is...
A big part of everything we’ve ever done. We started out on MySpace (RIP) back in the day and we’re still waiting for it to make a comeback.
My favourite app at the moment is...
We’re all really big fans of ‘3D Dingo Slots - Free’ out now on the Google Play store (not an ad).

Last year we played a covers set at a club in Brisbane. Our drummer had recently left so we decided we would go ahead with the drums in the backing tracks. The whole show was a disaster. I forgot most of the lyrics and fell over on stage, so yeah, lesson learned I suppose!
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was...
We drove back from Sydney in one go back in 2013. I did 10 hours of straight driving and we ended up arriving home at 3:30 in the morning, that was pretty sketchy.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party (why?)...
We’d probably just invite some of our biggest influences. Justin Pierre (Motion City Soundtrack), Max Bemis (Say Anything) & Jordan Witzegruter (The Ready Set).
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
Something terrible probably. Microwave nachos?
No matter the expense, send me a case of...
Coca Cola ©™ Open Happiness © (again, not an ad).
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was...
I was on Cinnabar Island the other day...
What's the one chore you dislike the most?
Probably getting the corners to line up in the doona.
Do you have any phobias...
I’m scared of heights, as well as most other things. Mainly heights though.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? If so, what type?
Not really a reality show, but being a team on Nickelodeons hit '90s game show, 'Legends Of The Hidden Temple', would be pretty great.
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down?
Nice try, Josh.
'Stepping Stones' is available 18 November.