Introducing: Georgina Pollard Trio

Georgina Pollard
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Who is Georgina Pollard...

I'm a vocalist, pianist, songwriter and professional vocal coach based in Lismore.

I sound like...
The voice inside my own head, I hope?!

My first gig was...
With my primary school choir. I can still sing my solo. It was a super cute kids tune called ‘I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas’.

In the studio I... 
Have been known to light aromatic candles to create a calm, nice smelling environment... and film silly little film clips with my band.

If I could tour with anyone...
It would have to be Aretha Franklin.

Social media is...
Incredibly useful, but also extremely addictive and for the moment I have deleted both my Twitter and Facebook so I can sleep better and find out news the old fashioned way again.

To date my most embarrassing moment was the time...
I was touring in Japan and I asked my host how they were in Japanese, but found out later I had asked if they wanted a bath!

Life on the road can be...
A great deal of fun if you love the people you are touring with.  However, it also requires stamina, good sleeping patterns and a reliable navigator!

What celebrity would you love to be spokesperson of the band...
Right now I would love Nigella Lawson to be my spokesperson. The first song off my EP, ‘How To Film A Feast’, was inspired by her and all she is. I haven't even added a new verse about her latest drug scandal even though someone suggested I add a verse discussing the virtues of icing sugar in the kitchen.

The Georgina Pollard Trio play the Brisbane Jazz Club Friday March 7.

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