Introducing Electropop-Alt Artist LION

LION is an alt-pop, electropop artist based in Melbourne.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

LION is a Melbourne-based creative who today releases his debut single 'Not Your Fetish'.

Bombastically fierce and unapologetically brash, LION melds a pulsating electronic hook with metallic synthy stabs and an audacious, vivacious rap that roars louder than any king of the jungle.

"As minorities and marginalised people, so many of us have narratives written for us by people who see us as two-dimensional," begins LION discussing the creative direction of 'Not Your Fetish'.

"This song is a condemnation of those toxic narratives. We have the power to write our own stories, and we don't need to censor or simplify them for anyone. Our stories are messy, complex, nuanced, and we refuse to be reduced to a fetish."

With a mission to subvert the norm and create a revolution, LION has already showcased at BIGSOUND 2022 and most recently performed the main stage at World Pride.

Who is LION... Hi! My name's James; I'm a queer, Ethiopian-Australian electropop-alt artist from Naarm, and my artist project is called LION. This project was formed nearly two years ago and I've been in development with Tomboi Records (my amazing label advocating for women, POC and LGBTQIA+ peoples).

Since then I've had the privilege of playing shows at World Pride, Chillout Festival, and Vic Street Pride Party just to name a few; and I'm releasing my debut single 'Not Your Fetish' today (12 May).

I sound like... A crossover between Lil Nas X and Todrick Hall.

My first gig was... at The Toff In Town in Naarm. I was part of this line-up called Fem Fantasy, and I was performing alongside a bunch of my closest friends. Something quite personal and emotional happened that day, so I felt such a vulnerable, raw connection with the audience, and I'll never forget that.

When did you settle on your artistic name, and was it a unanimous decision... I actually settled on the name after a meditation on my spirit animal (which is the lion, Ethiopia's national animal) and I connected deeply with LION X originally. But, a few months later, we revisited the name and decided to drop the X, becoming LION. It felt more definite and bold.

In the studio I usually... Well, first things first, I'm usually not in a studio ahaha. I produce on my laptop wherever's convenient for me; in the living room, at the library, on the train etc. I put on my headphones and immerse myself in a musical world.

If I could tour with anyone... Ohh wow, there are so many people that come to mind. If I could tour with anyone, I feel like I'd definitely want to tour with Lady Gaga; her unapologetic artistry is so inspiring to me, it would be an honour.

Social media is... So amazingly connective yet so destructive. Social media is a way for so many people to find where they belong, but it's also a tool used to isolate people and manipulate their sense of self. It's essentially just a platform which reflects the flaws and strengths of human beings.

My favourite app at the moment is... Honestly, it's my notes app. I love journaling and I'm always writing new lyrics, so it's really important to me.

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I was in primary school riding my bike back home, and in an effort to avoid colliding with another bike rider I slowly rode into the canal. I wasn't hurt, it was just very dramatic and I made quite the scene ahaha.

Life on the road can be... Quite intense. For my live shows I'm always co-ordinating a fierce make-up look with a fierce outfit, making sure my wireless system is working, organising my dancers and what their looks will be etc. All of that prep is always worth it when I get on stage though; I get in the zone and truly live the pop star fantasy.

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that the rider contains... Pepsi Max or Diet Coke! I'm not a big drinker so I always love a good diet soft drink when I'm at a bar.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... When I went outside late one night because I heard some scary noises, and the front door closed on me. I thought I was going to be locked outside the whole night (meanwhile the noises sounded like they were getting closer). Thankfully, my housemate was driving home late and let me in, phew!

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... I would love AURORA to be my spokesperson; she's so generous with her heart, and her intelligent, curious perception of the world is so refreshing. She radiates love and life, and that's everything I'd want in a spokesperson.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? I would choose Gothenburg in Sweden, because Sweden seems quite progressive with its politics and development in renewable energy. And Gothenburg specifically has amazing architecture and vibrant culture.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... I would invite Viola Davis (incredible actress), Katya Zamolodchikova (fabulous drag queen), and Alok Vaid-Menon (powerful artist and public speaker) over. I'm a big fan of meaningful, philosophical chats, and I would love to know their perspective on some big life topics, of course over a delicious dinner.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? I would cook y'all kimchi spam fried rice for sure; but my mum would probably strongly encourage you to come over to her place for Ethiopian food; I'm talking injera (fermented teff flatbread), wot (various types of stews), and tibs (a cubed beef or lamb dish); it's so yummy.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? I loooove my furry friends! Whether it's cats or dogs or anything else in between, I have a special relationship with animals. I just think they're so pure.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Sugarfree chocolate milkboxes! Yes, I'm a child, I love my milk.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... A few months ago to try it out and get my bearings. I'm gonna be going a lot more regularly this year though.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? I mostly enjoy chores because I can listen to podcasts or music while doing them, but if I had to pick one I dislike, it'd have to be cleaning the stovetop.

Do you have any phobias... I don't really have any phobias, but I'm quite scared of wasps because they can just sting unprovoked. Ask any of my friends though, I'm just an easily scared person in general, so do with that what you will!

Would you ever partake in a reality show? I really don't like reality shows to be honest. So many of them are focused on drama, negativity and unveiling the worst traits in people; and the production teams behind them just contribute to this energy. It doesn't appeal to me at all.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Oh gosh, I'd feel so bad pranking any of my friends! It'd have to be the dumbest prank ever, like convincing my housemate that it's an entirely different day of the week ahahah.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? I don't have a specific one because I always find myself at different places; but, my go-to is always a kebab/ HSP joint. A Halal Snack Pack (chips, various meats, cheese and sauces) is literally the best thing after a night out, and will ALWAYS leave me satisfied.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? I feel like I see a lot of my silliness and absurdity in Titus Andromedon from 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt'; he's camp, he's dramatic, and some of the things he does is downright ridiculous. It reminds me of what I do when I'm home alone ahaha.

Last show you binge-watched? 'Ginny & Georgia'. It's a series on Netflix about a single mother who's been through a string of abusive relationships, leading her to commit crimes to ensure her and her daughter's safety.

The story focuses on her daughter's journey trying to fit into a white-picket-fence town, and the unravelling of her mother's past impacts her in such an interesting way. It keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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