Introducing Electronic Indie Artist Clauds

Clauds is an indie electronic artist from Perth.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

An indie electronic artist from Perth, Clauds has had a life-long dedication to pursue a career in music.

She writes, co-produces (with Ethan from Laminar Mastering) and performs all of her own music ("which is basically just meltdowns, music and burgers!"). "I also tend to pour my heart out on stage, when I'm not being awkward."

Clauds released her first new music in a number of years last week, in the form of 'Done', a hypnotic, trippy ride through squelchy broken beats and sparse, warped, industrial-flavoured electronic production. Don't sleep on Clauds' intoxicating vocals either.

I sound like... Halsey and Glass Animals if they were to reproduce a music baby.

My first gig was... At The Bird supporting the gorgeous Roda Perez. I was so, so nervous, especially since it was my first time playing with my backing tracks. Needless to say, it was an amazing night and I loved every second.

When did you settle on your artistic name, and was it a unanimous decision... One of my mentors, Ray, would always put me down for gigs under the name 'Clauds'. It was super fitting given its my nickname, and from then it stuck. I want everyone to feel like they're hanging out with their bestie Clauds while at my shows.

In the studio I usually... Generally procrastinate and sip on my Coke Zero, but when I'm truly in the groove, Ethan from Laminar Mastering and I just bounce off of each other.

If I could tour with anyone... This is a hard one, but I think I would choose Glass Animals. They're so cool, and to be able to support them on tour would be a dream.

Social media is... Hectic.

My favourite app at the moment is... I'm not gonna lie, I am absolutely obsessed with Tetris at the moment. Most of my screen time is spent trying to beat my high score hahaha!

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I have wayyyyy too many! But, I'd have to say my most embarrassing moment was when I was at Scitech in the Planetarium.

The dude who ran the show asked a room full of kids, adults and teens what the biggest star in the sky was, and I screamed "Saturn!". He didn't respond, so then I yelled it out again, and everyone pissed themselves laughing. Especially because a four year old was like "the sun is the biggest star, not Saturn".

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that the rider contains... Coke Zero. I can't exist without Coke Zero.

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson... Harry Styles for sure. He's like David Attenborough but the musical version.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Hmmm, a tough one, but I'd probably choose Melbourne. Melbourne is so giant and there's so much to explore. Plus my best friend lives there and there's a Starbucks like everywhere, so what more could I need!?

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... I'd invite Harry Styles, Lido and Timbaland! Man the music and vibes that would be created over dinner would be incredible. Plus, they all seem like the coolest dudes ever.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? I'm not a great cook, but the one thing I can cook *somewhat* successfully is chilli, so we'd be eating chilli.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? I looooveeeeeeee our furry friends!

No matter the expense, send me a case of... C O K E Z E R O and Smirnoff Ice.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Girl, don't even ask! I can't even remember what a gym is at this rate.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Laundry. It's so boring.

Do you have any phobias... I absolutely hate bugs. Whenever I see one I scream out to my partner so he can kill it. I also hate germs, so 90 per cent of the time you can catch me sanitising my hands.

Would you ever partake in a reality show? I constantly consider auditioning for 'Big Brother', because I reckon it'd be iconic. Maybe one day, if they bring back the Friday Night Live.

Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? If Short Order or Hoodburger was open at midnight then you bet I'd be there grabbing a double cheeseburger! My mouth is watering just answering this questing omg.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? As much as I hate to say it, I'd 100 per cent be Kim from 'Kath & Kim'. I really embody the sass that Kim has, and of course, I am always devastated when someone eats my last yoghurt pouch.

Last show you binge-watched? 'Wentworth' hands dooownnnn! Such an incredible show!

Clauds plays Big Tommo Presents 10 Year Anniversary Show at Convenients (Perth) 10 December.

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