Introducing Doom Mountain

Doom Mountain
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

‘Sidewalk Shakedown’ is the fourth single to come from Brisbane four-piece surf rock enthusiasts Doom Mountain.

The song was recorded by the lads in four hours at Gasworks Studio with Konstantine Kerstig. The song draws from the lead singer’s experience working as a nurse and dealing with epileptic fits and his constant shaky hands from smoking too many ciggies on break.

Who is Doom Mountain... Surf rock enthusiast lads who enjoy wax chest, fin chops and being dumped head first into the sand bar. 

We sound like... Elvis Presley’s ‘Do The Clam’ — beach party for life.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... Jake originally wanted to be called ‘Killa Kung-Fu Wolf Bitch’ — for obvious reasons that was vetoed. He still gets a bit emotional about it.

In the studio we usually... Have a recording of my dad yelling “You’ll never make a career out of this! Get a haircut!” on loop.

If we could tour with anyone... Wu-Tang Clan. Maybe then people will appreciate our mad MC skills.

Wu Tang Clan 2Social media is...The place where my mum screenshots our status updates and prints them off for her book of memories. My kids will be so proud.

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... When we played a friend’s 21st and Rob got so drunk he played a drum solo during the speeches. Blame it on the free VB.

Life on the road can be... Dangerous! Jake just crashed the band van (sad face).

If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Strawberry daiquiris and the latest Cosmo.

Strawberry Daiquiri
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... We're like the bad guys in an ‘80s teen-drama — we wear leather jackets, acid wash jeans and we don't get scared.

What celebrity would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Clive Palmer. A billionaire with a passion for dinosaurs, and a political party? Doomies for PM.

Clive Palmer

Doom Mountain support LSD Ratkings at The Waiting Room, Brisbane, July 19. They then support Moses Gunn Collective at Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane, August 15.

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