We sound like... Live we sound like Aussie chick pub rock. Influenced by The Angels, The Divinyls, surf guitar, old school, AC/DC and ‘80s pop/ rock.

Our first gig was... As Diva Demolition it was at the Surfers Beer Garden; we opened for Clint Boge.
When did you settle on the group’s name, and was it a unanimous decision... Our previous band released a third album titled ‘Diva Demolition’. It was Ross Wilson who suggested it after much agony. We all agreed to move forward. It made sense.
In the studio... We are very nervous/ excited. The studio is precious time. It's purely creative. It's my fave place to be, until it's time for mixing. I bail at this stage as I’m bored with drum editing especially. I come back once the fairy dust has been added.
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... I was postering power poles at a busy intersection and tripped in front of about 40 cars. Really hurt myself. Bloody knees. Boo hoo.
Life on the road can be... Challenging. It's like a new existence. One thing always drives me batty is the lack of solitude. I enjoy my own company sometimes, but from city to city on a tour it's everyone in everyone's face. It's a very revealing place for new personalities to either shine or burn. Most people new to touring party too hard to early. This can be either entertaining or annoying.
The most scary scenario we’ve found ourselves in, was... Opening for Kiss in Perth having your guitar handed to you by roadies, ready to go, with no sound check, using in-ears for the first time live. Totally terrifying, then exhilarating after the first song.

What celebrity would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Richard Branson, explaining why he needs Diva’s on the first flight to the moon.

Diva Demolition play the Caxton Street Seafood & Wine Festival Sunday June 8.