With a musical style that crosses between indie rock, electronic and acoustic pop, Creature Kind will support British singer Joan Armatrading later this month when she plays QPAC.
Who is Creature Kind... We are an artist/ producer duo. Dave the artist and songwriter and Zach the producer, multi-instrumentalist and co-writer. We went through uni together where we realised we had the same, twisted humour and desire to write, record and play sweet, sweet music.
We sound like… We like to cross between genres to keep things interesting, treating each song separately; mainly focusing on a love of a good melody and a good time. Our new EP, due out in March, travels from acoustic/ alternative to indie rock and even pop. We’re already working on the next EP… and that is a whole other ball game stylistically!
Our first gig was… Dave: An impromptu, peer pressure-induced gig outside a pizza shop to get the attention of a girl that worked there. The girl wasn’t interested, but the manager gave me a free pizza… which kind of made it a paid gig too huh.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... Dave: Well, I always get asked what a Create Kind is and the truth is I don’t know! We actually settled on the name after reading through a bunch of magazines to find some words that worked together. We wrote a list of random words and from that Creature Kind was born.
In the studio we usually... Zach: Firstly enforce a no farting rule, which always gets broken by Dave. We also argue over who’s doing the whistle parts and who gets to play the shaker and tambourine.
If we could tour with anyone... Dave: Ryan Adams because he's a song writing genius. Zach: Sun Ra or Prince or Sun Ra and Prince; Dave just wants to tour with Ryan Adams so he can finally meet Mandy Moore.

Social media is... A necessary evil.
My favourite app at the moment is... Zach: Strava because I’m practically a Lance Armstrong in the making… minus the dope. Dave: Whirly Word because I’m bad at spelling but it makes learning fun!
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Zach: Probably one of the many impulsive leg kicks that Dave suffers when we’re playing shows.
Life on the road can be... Zach: Like a hostel on wheels.
If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Zach: edible food and drinkable drinks; we’re not fussy… Dave just needs to sniff a beer and he’ll have the courage he needs to do all the spontaneous leg kicks required. Dave: Yeah, water is also fine.
The scariest scenario we've had ourselves in was… Zach: In the studio after Dave drank his protein shake... Gassy!
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Zach: Bill Murray, ‘cause he’s BILL MURRAY!

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Dave: Will Pharrell, Carl Barron and my mate from Tambo, Will because they all make me laugh and I like laughing.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Dave: Zach would make you a chicken curry with grated, fried cauliflower-rice and I would help with the taste testing.
No matter the expense, send us a case of... Dave: Just water, I don’t really drink before or during a gig.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Zach: Probably legs day for Dave…
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Dave: Cleaning up after dinner. Nobody likes that because the best part is over. It’s all down hill from there.
Do you have any phobias... please explain? Zach: I hate heights and Dave is scared of girls.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? Zach: No, because it’d only be promoting the ridiculous amount of untalented people on Australian television. Dave: I’d go on one of the home renovation shows. My housemate got me hooked on those shows. That is pretty un-hip of me, I know but it looks fun!
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Dave: Well my best mate owns a mini that he loves more than anything. I’d love to get a bunch of the lads together and lift the car up and hide it somewhere, in the bushes, or in the middle of a field or something. Maybe continue this prank until he succumbs to selling it.
Creature Kind support Joan Armatrading at QPAC on 14 December.