According to their Facebook bio, Common Deers are ‘a newly formed, well-hydrated, four-piece rock ensemble from Brisbane with a passion for jumping and lots of sounds’.
With influences ranging from Thrice and Incubus to Karnivool and Circa Survive, the Brisbane band would like your attention, please.
Common Deers... is James Mcguire, Jayden Beale, Kyle Brown and Simon Nelson. James basically died (went to Wiepa) and Luke Woollett filled in for him for about nine months; now James is back with us again.

We sound like... If Eric Clapton was on Mars when he was leaning to play his guitar with drumsticks.

Our first gig was… Ric’s Bar.

When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision… Simon’s suggestion after a huge night of brainstorming, and then forced onto Kyle until he finally agreed.
In the studio we usually... When we eventually get there, we mic things up and record tasty ear-candy.
If we could tour with anyone... Finch. Simon has them tattooed on his arm.
Social media is...
My favourite app at the moment is... Cat Mario. It’s frustrating and hilarious at the same time.

To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Every time we play our intro tune James stuffs it up even though he wrote it.
Life on the road can be... Awesome and shit. Mainly awesome.
If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Alcohol — a red wine and some beer will be fine thanks.
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... Meeting Jayden’s mum (for everyone including Jayden).
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Sir David Attenborough — everyone listens to him, he’s great.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... The guys from Thrice. I think everyone in the band would love to meet them.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Anything you can BBQ; maybe lamb chops with roast potatoes and a tasty salad.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Can it be a ‘road case’ full of music gear? That definitely won’t go astray.
The last time we saw the inside of a gym was… Kyle has a decent home-gym set-up; Simon lives with Kyle; we all jam at Kyle’s house.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Getting rid of palm fronds; those things suck.
Common Deers play The Bearded Lady on Thursday 9th October with support from Sonny Red.