Walk In Our Shoes is mini cultural festival run by Youth Voice Brisbane that's held during Youth Week 2014.
On Sunday April 13, a group of young people with the support of community and entertainment workers will run a mini-festival in West End. The event will feature live music, dance and art from a wide variety of artists. One such artist is Chris Tamwoy.
Who is Chris Tamwoy... A young 18-year-old gentlemen originally from the Torres Strait Islands (Badu Island, Boigu Island & Darnley Island). Was born in Brisbane and raised in the Torres Strait islands (Badu Island). I’m currently studying Bachelor of Music at JMC Academy.

My first gig was... At Woodridge State High School. 2010 Awards Night.
In the studio I usually... Focus on getting my music right. Piecing everything together and ensuring that everything sounds perfect to my ears.
If I could tour with anyone... It would have to be John Butler, John Mayer or Busby Marou.

Social media is... An awesome way to assist me with exposure of my unique talent.
To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... Would have to be tripping over while refereeing a rugby league game.
Life on the road can be... Hard and challenging at times when things aren’t right or going my way. Maintaining positive thinking results in positive action.
The most scary scenario I’ve found myself in, was... Walking home from the train station after refereeing training and being followed by a suspicious vehicle.
What celebrity would you love to be your spokesperson... John Butler. It would be amazing to have your inspiration work alongside you. A dream come true.

Chris Tamwoy performs at Walk In Our Shoes, a Youth Week 2014 event taking place at the West End Twilight Markets venue (113 Boundary St) Sunday April 13, 1-5pm. He will also open for the John Butler Trio at Bluesfest April 19.