Favourites of North Queensland’s live music circuit, Chasing The Jeffrey are headed south for the Caxton Street Seafood Festival.
We thought we’d get the fellas to introduce themselves.
Who is Chasing The Jeffrey... Formed in 2009 by Brad Geiger (vocals) and Johnny Tyler (guitars), we began writing music together in the vein of our Aussie rock heroes, before putting a show together to take on the road. We were joined by Michael Shanks in 2010 on bass.
We sound like... Born of Aussie sand and grit, Chasing The Jeffrey have an organic powerhouse Aussie rock sound that is inspired by their North Queensland surroundings.
Our first gig was... At Andergrove Tavern in Mackay.
When did you settle on the group's name... Leading up to the release of our debut album, we were having a few beers at the pub chatting about this and that as you do, when the name came up in discussion based on a movie we had just seen. While the original reference is not what we are in to, we decided that our ‘Jeffrey’ was our music and we are always chasing that next best high!
In the studio we usually... Experiment acoustically to give each song its own unique edge with no limits to the different methods of creating a certain acoustic resonance. For instance, recording a vocal part in a toilet.
If we could tour with anyone... U2 and Cold Chisel.
Social media is... a platform for us to self-promote and create networks across the world. It’s just one of many tools in our arsenal.
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... We drove eight hours to do a regional gig and the drummer forgot to bring his drums! Luckily with the help of a few local fans we were able to drum up a kit to use for the night!
Life on the road can be... What you make of it! It's important to stay busy on the road and to continually foster the camaraderie in the band.
If you’ll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Beer, and lots of it!
The most scary scenario we’ve found ourselves in, was... When a group of unruly footy heads stormed the stage in a rock-fuelled frenzy, which ended in a violent scuffle in an attempt to get them off the stage. As consummate professionals we managed to keep the party going throughout.
What celebrity would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Jimmy Barnes because he is a no bullshit rocker!