With a sound that hints at early Arctic Monkeys with the inner angst of a hundred Aussie garage bands who've come before them, Brisbane rockers Midnight F...boys recently released their newest single – 'Under Your Spell'.
The five-piece indie act began life while still at high school as an a cappella group, if you can believe the press release (we do).'Under Your Spell' is the band's third single, after releasing the songs 'Harry's Never Had a Girlfriend' and 'Out Of Luck' last year. "The story behind 'Under Your Spell' is about a guy who is hooked on a girl as if he's hooked on a drug," the band says.
"He's aware that she ultimately will only cause pain, but doesn't care about consequences. It's not really a love song, we focused more on lust. Arctic Monkeys 'AM' heavily influenced the tone and mood of the song."
Who is Midnight F...boys? We are a band from Brisbane. We all became mates during school and toyed the idea of starting a band, which we didn't end up forming until a few years after school. Two years ago we started jamming (and some of us started learning how to play an instrument) and we haven't looked back since.
We sound like... A lone wolf howling at the midnight moon mixed with the moans of a fake orgasm.
Seriously though, this question is always hard for us – we don't want to bat above our weight and say we sound like The Strokes, even though they are a band we take inspiration from. We sound like a rock band from Australia.
Our first gig was... A Thursday night at a smelly/ sticky little venue in the Valley called Tomcat. We were all quietly sh.tting bricks beforehand, but it ended up being such a great f...ing night. We packed the place out, and so the seed was planted and our love for playing to people continues to grow to this day.
When did you settle on the group's name, and was it a unanimous decision... When the F...boys were merely F...children, our singer asked the other singer what we should be called. So he quickly dug into his brain for the wittiest answer in hopes for a laugh.
Midnight F...boys came out his mouth and it just seemed irreplaceable. We love it 'cause of its irony; we don't really know what it means still, but it's the opposite of 'us' as well as completely and totally 'us'.
In the studio we usually... Spend most of the time eating frozen pizzas and drinking beers on the bed because our studio is Charlie's bedroom. On the odd occasion we'll do some recording.
If we could tour with anyone... It would be some big time f...ing pop group that pays well 'cause we need the money ASAP to support our drummer's drug habit. Only kidding. Half kidding.
Social media is... Something that can be a wonderful tool to interact with the DOZENS of fans that we have. However, we're well aware how bands can be super annoying on social media. We don't really wanna be asked to buy your band's t-shirt four times a week, and we couldn't really give a f... about what you ate for breakfast.
My favourite app at the moment is... Instagram. When you're at a bar, you can only look at an attractive girl for so long before she catches you staring, then naturally you leave the bar, get a HSP and go home. On Instagram, you can stare at an attractive girl all you like and she has no idea. It's hours of fun.
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Our drummer recorded backing vocals on one of our singles; we have never been more embarrassed as a band. Only kidding. Half kidding.
Life on the road can be... Wonderful we would imagine. We've never had the chance to go any further from home than Byron Bay really, which was great. But hitting the road and playing shows is big dream of ours. We hope to give it a red-hot crack one day soon. We'll go to whatever cities that will have us.
If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Just some beers will do us, thank you kindly. The Midnight F...boys haven't lost touch with the common man... And maybe a little cocaine for the drummer. Kidding!
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... When your desk collapses and all of our hard drives, laptops and monitors came crashing to the ground.
Scariest moment was finding out whether we had lost everything. We lost recordings for one song - lesson learnt is that we're always backing sh.t up now, and also using more solid desks.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band... Jake Gyllenhaal. Fond of his work. Any of the 'Stranger Things' kids. Bernie Sanders seems cool. We could go on.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... Paul McCartney, Matthew McConaughey and Larry David. The Beatle and the Texas native would have some gnarly stories. But if they turn out to be narcissists, the old Jewish guy would put them in their place.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Depending on the occasion stir fry with red wine or Nutri-Grain with Milo.
No matter the expense, send me a case of... Stone n Wood.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Coronavirus has really taken a toll on working out at the gym. It would have to be 2008.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Anyone who says they enjoy washing dishes is a liar – washing dishes sucks.
Do you have any phobias? At the moment there are moths f...ing EVERYWHERE (in Brisbane), so it would probably be that. Those dudes have no chill, they fly around like they own the place, then out of nowhere they kamikaze straight at you.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? Growing up I always thought it would be awesome to be on 'Big Brother'. I thought I would be really good at the Friday night games they did.
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? We'd replace our drummer's cocaine with icing sugar. Ya might be playing Russian Roulette with your life there though. Only kidding.