Their Bandcamp page labels them ‘a matured grunge meets jazz band’.
While they’ve been around for five years, things are now starting to pick up speed for the Brisbane act. With their 1000th Like about to be achieved, let’s meet Boss Moxi’s rhythm guitarist/ frontman Brayden Doig.
Who is Boss Moxi... We’ve been playing live around Brisbane since early 2010 and have been writing music together since 2009. Over the past two years we’ve been putting together what we’re in the middle of recording now — 14 tracks that will dictate what our sound has become over the course of the years.
We sound like… A Clint Eastwood film? Not a lot. That’s always been difficult for us; we are yet to be pigeonholed into a genre or sound, which has worked to our advantage believe it or not. It’s allowed us to play all kinds of shows and venues — from quite acoustic folks gigs to deathly warehouse punk shows.
Our first gig was... Like so many bands that begin in Brisbane — it was none other than Ric’s Bar on a regular night in summer 2009. We painted moustaches on our face and swore we’d wear them proudly at all shows that would follow our first — this never happened.
When did you settle on the group’s name, and was it a unanimous decision… Coming up with a good band name sucks arse. We were still in high school when we came across the comicbook villain ‘Boss Moxie’. It was suggested and wasn’t hated, so it soon became what we stuck with. We’ve never cared too much about the name and it’s become more fitting as the years have ticked on.
In the studio we usually… Record things we never end up releasing. We’re a live band and our energy all comes from our live performance, so we’ve always found it difficult to translate that energy into recordings. The songs we’ve tracked on the album so far are sounding near to perfect.
If we could tour with anyone... It’d probably wouldn’t matter who they were — more so where they were going. We play near to everything we get asked to, so if it means taking the live show abroad then yes we'd go and make good use of that time. The Flaming Lips around America? Would definitely be keen.
Social media is… Unexpectedly important and occupies way too much of my time. It’s a fabricated reality thriving off the ups and downs of social trends. Very little of what’s so important on social media it’s actually important in real life.
My favourite app is… Megapolis of course — build your own city!

'Megapolis' app
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time… Probably at our last show in June. I managed to squeeze myself into a slim black dress, head to toe in drag. I had more than half the venue uncertain of my sexuality, probably due to the excessive facial hair I had decided to keep in the spirit of the venues name — The Bearded Lady.
Life on the road can be… Unpredictable. We set off on tour late last year and brought back with us odd stories — from playing in an empty hardcore pub in Newcastle to gracing the infamous Tote stage in Melbourne. You meet weird people and have good times.
If you'll have us on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Copious amounts of alcohol. Riders these days are shit. Sydney does alright but there’s nothing better than playing a show and not having to pick your pocket for drinks to get wasted.
The most scary scenario we’ve found ourselves in, was… We rented a wicked van for our tour late last year, it became our source of transport. In Newcastle we were hysterically laughing at the misfortune of our bass player’s past incident involving a canine and his genitals when we ran a red light and almost took out a local in our neighbouring lane. It was all pretty intense and the silence that followed was eerie.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band… George W. Bush. I’d literally be happy with anything that guy has to say, it’s all ridiculous.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party… Campbell Newman so I could poison him; Wayne Coyne so I could shake his hand and Steve.

Wayne Coyne
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? I would cook you a lasagne. And you would really enjoy it because everybody like lasagne.
Fuck the expense, send me a case of… Coopers.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was… A very, very long time ago.
Boss Moxi play The Bearded Lady Friday July 18 and Friday August 15.