Introducing Australian Country Artist Courtney Keil

Courtney Keil is an Australian country artist.
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Although only a newcomer on the Australian country music scene, singer-songwriter Courtney Keil has produced two #1 songs on the Australian iTunes Country Singles chart – the only two songs she has released: 'I Just Wanna Hold You' and 'Hummingbird'.

Now Keil has dropped her third single, the dreamy and enchanting ballad titled 'Where Does All The Love Go' that's dedicated to the essentialism of love. The song also debuted at #1 on the Australian iTunes Country Singles chart.

"Ballads have always been really important to me," muses Keil, "and for my third single, I wanted to release a song that is deeply personal and in contrast to my previous singles.

"'Where Does All The Love Go' reveals a different side of me and also my musicality. I wanted to bring a story to my audience that I really connect to."

Who is Courtney Keil... I was born on an Adelaide Hills deer farm before landing in Melbourne where I grew up. I was the typical creative kid, wanting to spend as little time as possible on a structured school curriculum and more on music, singing, painting, writing, dancing, acting all things creative.

I started vocal training at the age of nine, which developed my love and passion for singing and I also did some basic songwriting in primary school. In my early teens my interest for songwriting grew and I spent much more time developing my skills.

I studied a Diploma of Music focussing my efforts on the pop genre but soon after commencing the diploma I found myself really drawn to country music. I was accepted into the CMAA Senior Academy in Tamworth in 2016 and I then realised that my heart fit perfectly into the country genre so I pursued that path.

It still took me until August 2020 to finally release my first single 'I Just Wanna Hold You', but it was worth the wait, taking my time to really develop who I wanted to be as an artist and songwriter. My sophomore single 'Hummingbird' followed in February this year and now I am going down the ballad path with my latest single 'Where Does All The Love Go'.

I sound like... As much as I like to say I sound like myself, I have drawn on the sounds of some of the iconic ladies of country like Trisha Yearwood, Faith Hill and Kacey Musgraves, with a little Lady A in there too. I like to take a little bit of the classic, nostalgic sounds of the '90s, pairing it with really modern sounds and production.

My first gig was... That is testing my memory. I'd have to say at Wellers of Kangaroo Ground in, around 2013, which was an awesome music venue near where I grew up in Melbourne.

They would have wonderful 'dinner and a show' night's with countless iconic Aussie musicians performing; this was such a highlight growing up. I was very fortunate to perform there a couple of times in my teens.

When did you settle on your artist name, and was it a unanimous decision... For a quite a while in my teens I decided to go by my first and middle name (Courtney Jane), but as I got older it felt right to just stick with my first and surname as it represents me.

I also feel that I am showing up and being the best version of myself that I can be and it is also quite a unique surname, so I figure at least it stands out.

In the studio I usually... When I am in the studio I am usually sitting in awe of my producer, amazing musicians and songwriters that I am surrounded by. I try to lap up and learn as much as I can when I am in there and maximise the time as best as I can.

I am really grateful to be working with Rod McCormack, who has produced all of my singles and has really helped guide me and develop my sound.

If I could tour with anyone... The list is too long, but I'd say either Trisha Yearwood or Shania Twain. They are both such huge inspirations to me, not only their vocal ability but their songs, work ethic and I think it would just be great fun.

Social media is... Tiring. It's a love-hate relationship. Just when I think I am getting a handle on it I realise I am far off.

It's a good tool to be able to connect with people, especially more than ever with the physical distance between a lot of us, so I really love that side of it. I just need to use it less and have some social media free time.

My favourite app at the moment is... Probably just the classic camera app, I love taking photos wherever I go so it's one that I use a LOT! This makes for a lot of phone space used for photos... currently the tally is sitting at over 19,000... whoops!

To date, my most embarrassing moment was the time... I don't think you want to know the story. . . it involves a warm vanilla Up & Go, a hotel lobby and me vomiting EVERYWHERE! Thankfully I was only 14 at the time, but I sure felt like I was going to die of embarrassment.

Life on the road can be... Exciting! Although I have to say with COVID I have enjoyed time at home, but I am looking forward to any opportunity I have to get out and play shows; there will definitely be no taking it for granted.

If you'll have me on your bill, all I ask is that the rider contains... I really don't usually have anything to ask for as long as there is water, but I do love it if there is some English breakfast tea there too.

The most scary scenario I've found myself in, was... One random yet scary scenario, nothing related to music was in 2015 when I walked Kokoda in Papua New Guinea raising money for Beyond Blue with my father.

There were a couple of moments where I was a little scared; one that stands out when I got up during the black of night to find a toilet and had a run in with a very protective wild dog – safe to say we didn't become friends!

What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be your spokesperson... Shania Twain would be amazing as a spokesperson for me – she is clever, witty and an inspiration so it would be a huge honour.

If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? I would definitely have to say Nashville, it is the heart of country music. I've been lucky enough to visit twice already, but it's somewhere I could definitely land myself one day.

There is something pretty special about being surrounded by a city that lives and breathes music – especially country music. Each time I've visited I've felt so welcomed, so I would love to have the chance to explore it more.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party... If I could have anyone, from anytime in history it would be Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston. They are three of my musical heroes and I just would love to sit and listen to them tell stories about their lives and careers.

I think it would be a cool mix with The Man In Black and be great to have Dolly and Whitney both talk about 'I Will Always Love You' and how it impacted their lives.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook for us? I would whip up one of my famous lasagnes; the secret is swapping the white sauce for pumpkin and sweet potato sauce. It is always a hit among friends and family. Of course accompanied by a nice bottle of red wine too.

When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? A big big lover. I have a gorgeous Burmese cat named Charlie, along with the newest family member Bobby, a very cheeky miniature dachshund. I've been lucky to grow up around animals and spent a lot of time horse riding in my childhood and early teens.

No matter the expense, send me a case of... Chocolate. It's my guilty pleasure and I will admit I do like to have some handy at all times. . . you just never know when you'll need some! At home I usually stash some in various places around the house.

The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... I hate to admit that I can't even remember the answer to this, but I will say since the various lockdowns in Melbourne I have taken up running, short distance, but I am enjoying it surprisingly.

What's the one chore you dislike the most? Folding socks. I don't know why but it really gets on my nerves. I think it's the patience of having to find pairs, yet there are always ones missing. Otherwise other chores don't really phase me.

Do you have any phobias? Spiders 100 per cent. I don't have any horror stories but what can I say, they just freak me out!

Would you ever partake in a reality show? I don't think I would ever actually be able to go through with it, but 'The Bachelor' would be an interesting experience. Otherwise I would definitely consider 'Masterchef' as I love to get really creative in the kitchen and eat yummy food.

If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? I like to keep it simple. I like the usual scare pranks of jumping out from behind things, surprising them as best as I can. My mother is a good target, much to her lack of enjoyment in the game.

Best local takeaway joint for a 2am feed that will leave you with a food coma? I am definitely not a 2am party animal. I prefer to be fast asleep at that time but if I were awake and hungry I would have to go with something cheeky like KFC chips. I don't even know what else is open at that time – shows I don't go out at that time much.

Which fictional character best describes your personality? I relate strongly to Mulan's personality, in that she is a caring and loyal woman who is brave and bold. She uses intelligence, courage and determination to win the day. She can be mischievous at times and although works well in a team is individualistic, ingenious and self-reliant.

Last show you binge-watched? I was hooked on 'The Queen's Gambit'. I think I managed to finish it in a couple of days as it really grabbed my attention.

I LOVED everything about it, the storyline was so compelling along with all the costuming and set design, the cast were brilliant. I don't know much about chess, but that didn't make a difference because it was so great. Definitely one for the list if you haven't seen it.

Courtney Keil 2021 Tour Dates

Sat 17 Jul – Neon Horse (Melbourne)

Johnny Cash The Concert shows

Fri 23 Jul - Astor Theatre (Perth)
Sat 24 Jul - Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
Fri 6 Aug - Country Club Showroom (Launceston)
Sat 7 Aug - Wrestpoint Entertainment Centre (Hobart)
Fri 3 Sep - Horsham Town Hall
Sat 4 Sep - The Capital Theatre (Bendigo)
Fri 8 Oct - Karralyka Theatre (Melbourne)
Sat 9 Oct - Her Majesty's Theatre (Adelaide)
Fri 15 Oct - Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre (Mt Gambier)
Sat 16 Oct - Lighthouse Theatre (Warrnambool)
Fri 5 Nov - Riverlinks Westside (Shepparton)
Sat 6 Nov - Wangaratta PAC

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