Furious, frenetic skater-punk that also showcases the band's melodic tendencies, Adelaide's LOLA specialise in high-energy party anthems you'll be singing with ya best mates arm-in-arm with a few adult beverages for company.
The band have today taken the covers off their seven-track debut EP 'Don't Tell Mum', which features three popular singles ‘Tease Me’, ‘Fuck It’ and ‘Black Lung’ as well as four unreleased tracks."Crank this one LOUD!" beams the band, the EP featuring songs inspired by a radical life of realisations, regrets and the best of times.
Who is LOLA... Mitch: LOLA is an entity that crosses between planes of existence. Sebastian: LOLA is an organised mess and a controlled excess of noise.
We sound like... Incoherent guitar noises. Max: Fast drums, with fast bass, with melodic guitar. . . which is also fast. Everything is fast. Billy: Bands are only as good as their drummers, and we've got a good drummer.
Our first gig was... Billy: Sh.t. Max: So much of the drum kit was missing. Sebastian: Yeah, we all quit the band for a couple months. It was bad.
Max: Our first gig was so bad that we all decided to quit the band straight after. It wasn't until two months later that we bumped into each other when we were returning our instruments. We had a jam session and said, 'yeah we'll start again' and it's all gone up from there really.
When did you settle on the name LOLA, and was it a unanimous decision... Sebastian: There was this sick band called SASHA going around. It was cool they were named after a girl, so we were like 'let's do that'.
In the studio we usually... Billy: Struggle. Sebastian: Mitch takes two seconds to finish his drum tracks. And then we spend the rest of the time deciding what to do. Max: Excuse me. I take like five minutes to do a song. It's you bloody guitarists that take so long.
If LOLA could tour with anyone... Max: Violent Soho. Mitch: Ed Sheeran. Billy: Sex Pistols, Johnny Cash, Rolling Stones. Sebastian: Cadel Evans and Lance Armstrong. Max: Is that a f...ing Tour de France reference?
Social media is... Max: A way to organise events. Billy: Social media is life.
My favourite app at the moment is... Sebastian: Star Guide. Max: TikTok. Mitch: Tinder. Billy: Spotify.
To date, our most embarrassing moment was the time... Max: I threw up on Billy's couch. Sebastian: Or in his shoe.
Life on the road can be... Billy: You get a sore ass. Sebastian: It can sometimes be in a car but never on a plane. Max: Never in a boat either. Sebastian: Not a canoe? Or a parachute? Max: Nope. Not even a chance.
If you'll have LOLA on your bill, all we ask is that our rider contains... Billy: Vodka and Vietnamese.
The most scary scenario we've found ourselves in, was... Billy: Max's driving. Sebastian: Yeah, like that time we were all hitting him in the head while he was driving.
What celebrity/ famous person would you love to be spokesperson of the band? Billy: Fat Mike. Max: Matt Damon. Sebastian: Galileo. Mitch: Mickey Mouse.
If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose and why? Billy: Amsterdam. Sebastian: And you know why.
Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party? Billy: You three guys. Mitch: Awwwww.
If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us? Max: Sandwiches. Sebastian: Sandwiches with a side of spaghetti bolognaise with an entree of Vietnamese and a Zambrero for dessert.
When it comes to pets are you a lover or hater of our furry friends? Max: We are dog lovers because we are all furries. Sebastian: I want a miniature tortoise called Dwayne the Rock.
No matter the expense, send me a case of... Billy: Hahn Super Dry. Mitch: A new guitar.
The last time I saw the inside of a gym was... Sebastian: I went like once.
What's the one chore you dislike the most? Max: I absolutely hate doing dishes. I'd rather sweep the whole house than do the dishes. It's gross man. Mitch: Anything to do with the bathroom. Max: I'd rather clean the bathroom than do the dishes. Mitch: Other people's food is off limits, but their sh.t is alright?
Do you have any phobias... Mitch: Interviews. And warm beer. Max: The slow march towards our inevitable death. Billy: And untuned guitars.
Would you ever partake in a reality show? Max: I'd love to go on 'The Block' with you guys.
If you could prank any of your friends, who's your target, and how are you bringing them down? Max: 100 per cent Billy. Sebastian: Get a helmet with a stick and strap some Vietnamese food on it so he's always trying to catch the food.
Best local takeaway joint for a midnight feed that will leave you with a food coma? Billy: Indian from the Indian shop next to Seb's place.
Which fictional character best describes your personality? Max: Dorothy. Because I'm a gentle little fella skipping through wonder land with a beard. Just like Dorothy. Seb: I'm the lion because I have lots of hair. Mitch: Tin man for obvious reasons. Billy: I'm Cartman. Max: No Billy. You’re the Scare Crow.
Last show you binge-watched? Mitch: 'The Office'.
LOLA 2022 Tour Dates
Fri 4 Mar - Fat Controller (Adelaide)Fri 18 Mar - Volta (Ballarat)
Sat 19 Mar - Cherry Bar (Melbourne)
Sun 20 Mar - UrbnSurf (Melbourne)
Sun 10 Apr - The Workers Club (Melbourne)