Holy Holy unveiled the next stage in their evolution at Fat Controller last night (3 November), the first stop on their 'Darwinism' national tour.
Charles Darwin shook the holiest of holy institutions with his theory of evolution based upon the survival of the fittest. In a modern, music industry that is a perpetual fight for life and survival, Holy Holy are armed with adaptations that ensure they stand out from the pack.
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Their songs are a representation of the theory of evolution; like a single cell organism, they begin with a simple riff or melody and then second by second they expand with infinite splendour, typically climaxing in chaotic but euphoric outros spearheaded by Oscar Dawson’s wailing guitar.

Holy Holy - image © Laura Thorburn
The band, originally spawned from the union between Dawson and guitarist/ vocalist Timothy Carroll, has grown new parts; most notably Hungry Kids Of Hungary drummer Ryan Strathie. Strathie is now integral to the band’s sound.
While the band has expanded in members, they have also begun to shed some components of their original form. Carroll, when introducing cuts from their forthcoming sophomore album, revealed that he was departing from guitar playing responsibilities. He makes full use of his recently emancipated hands on the warmly received 'Willow Tree', clapping his hands like it was mariachi.

Holy Holy - image © Laura Thorburn
While new tracks offered a tantalising glimpse into 2017, it was Oscar Dawson’s dextrous noodling and divinely transcendent guitar solos on 'You Cannot Call For Love Like A Dog', 'Sentimental And Monday' and 'Impossible Like You' that shone light into the darkness.

Holy Holy - image © Laura Thorburn
A scheduling mix-up unfortunately limited the crowd in attendance for the two supporting artists: Alex L’estrange, a Brisbane guitar slinger with a buccaneering moustache and Adelaide wunderkind Jesse Davidson.

Holy Holy - image © Laura Thorburn
For a band whose genesis was in 2013, Holy Holy are developing at a rapid and splendid speed and we await the birth of their new album in 2017.
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