Grinspoon Call A Time Out

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

After seven albums, 13 ARIA nominations and over 1,000 shows across 18 years with the same line-up, Grinspoon have called it a day — for now.

"Thanks to all our families, friends, and especially our fans for the support over the last 18 years — it's been a wild ride to say the least," the band said in a statement posted to their website. "We are still a band of brothers but it's time for us to take a break and recharge the batteries. We're excited to see what our future holds... adios amigos, it's been a blast!"

It's fair enough that the group needs a break — they've been on the road for most of the year, following the release of their 'Black Rabbits' LP. It was the seventh album for the group, who won triple j's first Unearthed competition in '95 and scored hits with tracks like 'Just Ace', 'Chemical Heart', 'DCx3', 'Better Off Alone' and 'Hard Act To Follow'.

Their final show for the foreseeable future will take place at Eatons Hill Hotel on Friday December 20. "We didn't plan it this way," said the band, "but it made sense to end this chapter of our careers after our last show for 2013. We didn't want to get up on stage for the final time for now and not be able to share our news with our fans."

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