Future Music Festival @ Flemington Racecourse Review

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It's one of the biggest events on the Melbourne party calendar; one that I look forward to with mixed emotions.

Firstly it's the creme de la creme of festivals: big line-ups, wel- organised logistically and with music to please everyone. But it is also the hapless end of the summer-party season. And with its end comes the inevitable and pending depression of a sullen Melbourne winter. But I digress; this is about reliving the moment and reminiscing about the positive moments.

Click here for photos from the event.

So, where to begin? In theory, events of this size (I'm guessing tens of thousands of people) are going to be a challenging proposition. Getting people in, getting people out, entertaining them while they're there and getting them home, it's no easy feat. No less, the Melbourne festival roster has been guilty of many failings in these areas over the years, but alas lessons have been learnt and I feel punters now feel assured that every box is checked, every potential circumstance mitigated. And truly, I must say it went off without a hitch.

BlasterJaxxBlasterJaxx - Image © Katie Dutton

Which brings me to about my only frustration for the day – such an epic line-up. There is no way that one can get to every act if they have any semblance of taste in electronic music – a vast range of genres and artists are represented making it nigh on impossible to see everyone and everything. Nevertheless, doing the hop makes it fun - like a mini-adventure each time you want to muddle through the sea of happy faces to find your preferred spot among the mosh.

Artists Apollonia and Art Department delivered their European tech-house styles with much aplomb, while Seth Troxler and Sven Vath of course turned it up a notch and brought the crowd home in the Cocoon tent – my favourite every year.

CocoonCocoon Tent - Image © Katie Dutton

The Prodigy delivered their usual riotous show – mayhem really, to legions of screaming fans, most of who were recording the action unable to put their phones down. Martin Garrix, Nero and Example – from the brief interludes I caught of each (those clashes!) – were also exceptional. Perfect music for the environment and crowd.

Example on stageExample - Image © Katie Dutton

Timmy Trumpet played a performance typical of his love of Melbourne bounce – a style that he can call his own. He is truly one of the dons of the sound and the packed main stage loved it. Likewise Avicii delivered his uplifting goodness and Drake had the fans melting during his performance. A humble and noble character, even I, not a huge fan of R&B rather enjoyed it.

AVICIIAvicii - Image © Katie Dutton

My favourite performance of the day however goes to the Afrikaans duo Die Antwoord. Lord have mercy just about sums it up; an absolutely electrifying performance of hip hop laced with drum & bass and electronica, coupled with a magnificent light show - it was simply superb.

DieAntwoordDie Antwoord - Image © Katie Dutton

Facilities from food stalls (really quite fantastic – and rather wholesome and nutritious if that's what you wanted), to the many bars and toilets, to the amusement rides and first aid, everything seemed to worked like clockwork. Roaming police and security were friendly, while the sound quality across every stage was excellent too.

Overall, this was an exceptionally well run, fun and safe festival. Fewer and fewer muscled men without shirts on, and more and more happy faces looking out for one another. The Melbourne weather held up too – it wasn't hot but the sky was clear and the vibe reflected it.

NeroNero - Image © Katie Dutton

I even saw a completely naked man running through the crowd like he was on heat, with a dozen hapless security guards in pursuit. Good times!

Click here for socials from the event.

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