Tim Price (Pricewar Music) tells us what he learned in the moshpit at last night's Queens Of The Stone Age / Nine Inch Nails double-header.
1. At 31 years of age, I probably don't have many BIG moshpits left in me. I spent a lot of the time in the pit protecting my partner from getting drilled by some seriously big dudes.
2. Dudes in cut-off denim jackets are almost always trouble in a moshpit.
3. You can tell which people are good people and also which people are assholes in their daily life in there. The dude who lit a cigarette and was flailing it about mid-pit and burning people (not between bands when not much is moving about, I mean during QOTSA) — take a guess which one you are.
4. Despite all that, what a rad night. Entered at 6:05pm to end up pretty much on the barrier. Brody Dalle (below), though she had a muddy mix, was as rock and roll as they come.

Trent Reznor et al. oozed cool and their bass-heavy set was thunderous (though there was a confusing lack of 'Closer' in the set).

5. NIN fanatics are just that. The NIN pit was infinitely more brutal to be in than QOTSA. I noticed a lot more t-shirts from previous tours and even a guy in the line with a NIN logo tattooed on the back of his neck and one on the back of his leg, while wearing a Pretty Hate Machine shirt — in surprisingly good nick for what looked like an original!