Five Places To Write Music With Li Li Kite

Li Li Kite
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Li Li Kite will be finishing their Sunday residency at The Bearded Lady this weekend.

Rumoured to be inviting a horn section to the usual three-piece line-up, you can farewell Li Li’s intricate hard-folk melodies with able support from space pop experts, Mega Ogre. Li Li shares her favourite places to write music.

1. Stairwells of apartment blocks

The acoustics are amazing! There's a sense that you're alone but there's often an interesting and fleeting interaction with one of the residents where you change each other’s days a little.


2. In Uki in my lounge room

Where I'm living northern NSW the house is really just a big open space, a concrete floor painted red and chipped and worn; there's a pot belly fireplace and cosy rugs, glass of red wine or a cup of tea, guitar and a notebook — perfect.


3. In transit

Train trips, bus trips, aeroplanes, you just get to sit back and watch and there is so much fabulous moving stimulus: people in their own worlds yet together, life wizzing by as the sun goes down over the city, or a couple of hundred strangers flying over a mountain range together.


4. Anywhere if I’m alone

I can be quite private in the writing stages of a song and having the freedom to sound messy and really just explore lyrically and vocally is a huge luxury and allows for songs to have that freedom and honesty inside them.


5. New cities

No one knows you, you don't know anybody and everything is fresh like being a child.

Li Li Kite finishes her residency at The Bearded Lady this Sunday, April 13. Her special guests are Mega Ogre.

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