Melbourne producer Colourwaves makes sounds in his room with synths, software and his voice.
He's trying to create somthing magical and dreamy that people can listen to while reflecting on the world and their place in it. He's provided us with five life inspirations that have helped him do just that.
1. Terence McKenna
Terence is my idol. His lectures and books have really changed my life and the way I look at the world. He’s an advocate for the exploration of consciousness through hallucinogenic substances. He taught me to create my own ‘roadshow’ and that ‘culture is not your friend’.2. The Radio Dept. - Pet Grief
Melancholic Swedish pop tinged with shoegaze. I can listen to this record on repeat and never get sick of it. I really connect with frontman Johan Duncanson’s lyrics and always get a sense of authenticity from him. Johan has described their sounds as ‘travel music’, a notion which I like to think that I’ve adopted into my own music.3. Joe Rogan Experience
The Joe Rogan podcasts provide fascinating conversations that always offer refreshing, alternative, logical views on life, society, politics and self-awareness that inspire me to write and have these conversations with people while challenging my own thinking. I really admire him from expanding the consciousness of listeners all around the world in such an accessible, funny and rational way.4. Lucid dreaming
Last year I really got into techniques of becoming aware while in a dream and navigating around the dreamscape. It’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever done and is a real powerful tool for self-discovery and for manifesting whatever you want without any consequences or even laws of nature. The clarity in this state is indescribable, and in it is a certain mystical quality that I strive to express through my music.5. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
I’m sure all of the various combinations of Pitchfork-esque adjectives for this album have been exhausted. One thing I will say though is that I saw Loveless mentioned in Fasterlouder’s ‘most overrated albums’ article and was like, “Woah... Whoever wrote this is owned”.
Experience Colourwaves here.