Five Favourite Mispronunciations Of Chaika

Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Chaika draws influence from folk traditions, jazz and classical music to create a beguiling and original sound-world.

Their latest release, ‘I Monti (The Mountains)’, is a collection of both original and traditional pieces, gently wandering through foreign lands, emerging with an enchanting tale to tell. But it seems fans of the group fail to pronounce Chaika correctly.


Shakers, or the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, are mostly known for their celibacy, pacifism, and their model of equality of the sexes. Chaika shares the sentiments of pacifism and equality, however choose to follow a life of music rather than celibacy.


Shakira is a Colombian singer-songwriter and dancer with Latin, Arabic, rock & roll and belly dancing influences. Chaika are also very diverse in the range of their influences: Balkan, jazz, Celtic, classical, however none of the members can claim such fluidity in the pelvic region, as their hips can't lie.


In Hindu and tantric/ yogic traditions chakras are energy points or knots in the ‘subtle’ body. Their name in the yogic translation is 'vortex or whirlpool'. Chaika likes to create a vortex or whirlpool with their music to relax listeners and help get rid of any unwanted knots in either their subtle or physical body, this is however as close to the practice of tantric and yoga traditions as Chaika get.


The feminine of chico, is a Spanish colloquial word for girl or boy. The feminine form is used for one or more females. Considering Chaika is made up of both males and females it is an entirely improper use of grammar and is also regionally inappropriate in that our music while being culturally diverse, does not stray into the areas of Spain or the Americas... yet.


Correct pronunciation: CHAI (as in the spicy variety of tea) CAR (don't know how you could get that one wrong). May refer to one of the following: a 35 mm camera, an automobile, a type of boat used by the Zaporozhian Cossacks, a women's brand of watch, an asteroid discovered in 1934 or a biplane fighter made by the former Soviet Union. It is also the word for seagull in several Slavic languages.The powerful Slavic seabird soars from one culture to the next (excluding Spain and the Americas), just like our music.


Click here for a full list of tour dates for Chaika who are currently travelling around the country promoting their new album ‘I Monti’.

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