5 Dinosaur Songs With Dancing With Dinosaurs

Dancing With Dinosaurs
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

From the same team who brought you 'Public Toilets, Private Words' comes 'Dancing With Dinosaurs' a comedy cabaret dedicated to our reptilian friends.

Before they migrate south to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, 'Dancing With Dinosaurs' will host a dinosaur party with dinosaur songs, dinosaur-egg hunts, possible dinosaur excavation, trivia (brush up on your 'Jurassic Park', 'Land Before Time' and Grade 3 Cretaceous period study books) and some scaly cabaret to boot; all at the New Globe Theatre 19 March.

One of the creative principles, Eloise Maree shares her love of dinosaurs with her Top 5 dinosaur songs. “Writing this show has been just as entertaining as our last one, which was a cabaret made out of toilet graffiti. A big part of our research has been looking up dinosaur songs. So we're throwing a dinosaur party to fundraise for our trip to Melbourne, and we're gonna play some of the bad-ass dino classics as well as some brand new ones of our own.”

1. ‪George Clinton & The Goombas - 'Walk The Dinosaur‬'

This one's a classic, an obvious choice for its ability to survive pre-historic music trends and be covered by artists time and time again, from the megafauna of 'Ice Age 3' and Jimmy Barnes' kids (The Tin Lids).

2. ‪Barney Wit Attitude - 'Straight Outta Compton'‬

This is impressive, mainly because we all know Barney was a seriously messed-up television show and whoever's made this video re-mix has had to watch every episode of Barney on REPEAT. Torturous!

3. ‪Johnny Cash - 'The Dinosaur Song‬'

We're trying to avoid the saturated, children dinosaur, entertainment market, but this track by Johnny Cash is too good to pass up. The way he drawls on Diplodocus is so delicious. Why yeaaas, Johnny, die-no-saws wood mayke greaaat frieyends!

4. The dinosaur rap

"Return of the Cretacious Period bitchez." A great example of how to embody the dinosaur spirit by channelling your inner gangster.

5. Dinosaurs were actually tripping

No, really. Ok, so it's not a song. But this is the best thing we've heard all day! Dinosaurs were actually tripping on psychedelic grass! This is too great. Now excuse us, we have whole lot of dinosaur-inspired research to do...

Dancing With Dinosaurs bring their Dinosaur Party to the New Globe Theatre on 19 March. Dancing With Dinosaurs also head south to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 1-12 April at La Mama Theatre.

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