Fierce Mild Get Philosophical On New Album, Roadtest New Songs At BIGSOUND

Fierce Mild
Senior Writer.
A seasoned all-rounder music writer and storyteller with a specialised interest in the history of rock.

Melbourne band Fierce Mild have released a brand new single 'Dasein', an introspective think-piece that takes art rock to a whole, new level.

“'Dasein’ is a German word, which basically means 'existence' or 'being' and we named it after a philosophy work by Martin Heidegger,” vocalist/ guitarist/ soundman Troy Rainbow says.

“It's the idea of having an authentic self that you are always struggling to find, whereas you give your true self over to others all the time.”

Troy says he was initially worried that the song and its subject matter would be too esoteric for listeners, but is happy it has so far garnered a positive response from people who say it had a profound impact on them. “At our single launch [in July] most of people's responses were that they went through something, an incredibly intense emotional journey,” he says.

“There's a lot of information going on: three channels of video, there's us playing music and it also has a five-piece band as well, which brings lots of different elements; then we've got costumes and things like that. We really try to bring that cinematic thing to life where you have to go away and think about what you've experienced.”

‘Dasein’ is a follow-up single to ‘Solaris’ released back in February and will be part of Fierce Mild’s forthcoming album.

The album is a long time coming for the band, as they have spent the past two years refining and perfecting the release. “At the moment we're looking at options for releasing the album,” Troy says.

“We've put a good two years work into the album, so we want to find the right person to help put that out because it's a big statement from us. That's the aim and obviously just having an awesome time.”

Part of that awesome time Fierce Mild intend on having will take place in Brisbane in September during the week and weekend of the BIGSOUND conference.

Fierce Mild are playing as part of the official showcase as well as performing their own cinematic sideshows at several, local venues. “We love Brisbane,” Troy says.

“We've been up a few times and every time we've been up there it’s a really refreshing vibe. I like how condensed the area is; the Valley has got that really eclectic mix of people in the one area.

“Whereas Melbourne tends to stratify itself; this area is for this scene and this area is for that scene. But in Brisbane they're all together and that's what makes BIGSOUND so doable in the Valley. The scene is very tight and they're very supportive at a grassroots level as well.”

Fierce Mild pride themselves on their theatrical, live-stage presence, which they describe as having the quality of a psycho-thriller film with a touch of David Lynch surrealism. “We're trying to create a representation that's similar to what we do live,” Troy says.

“It gives you that similar transcendent journey, hence having the stages of contemplation and the way that you return to this memory as you go through the listening experience.”

Fierce Mild Shows

Mon 4 Sep - New Globe Theatre (Night Before BIGSOUND BTM Party)
Tue 5 Sep - The Foundry (BIGSOUND)
Thu 7 Sep – New Globe Theatre (Big Screen Audio Visual Showcase, 2.30pm start)

Thu 7 Sep – Crowbar (BIGSOUND)

Fri 8 Sep - The Zoo (BIGSOUND after party)

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