The crowd was a sea of blue, pink, green and purple hair – a rainbow of shades that was at odds with the heaviness of all the black clothing.
In a way it made sense – their clothing reflected the music of FoB; a hybrid of pop and punk with a smattering of something heavier and a dash of romance. But whatever it is and however you want to describe it – it has attracted a legion of the most loyal fans.

Patiently waiting almost 40 minutes between the second support act and the main event, the punters chanted ‘Fall Out Boy’ over and over again, and in between laughed and chatted like they were at a picnic, a punk picnic.
Click here for more photos from the show.
When the boys finally hit the stage, it was to rapturous applause, screaming and enough jumping up and down to shake The Tivoli foundations. The moshing started almost immediately and it appeared as though every single person knew every single word. It was both unsettlingly odd and endearingly sweet.

Between lead singer Patrick Stump and bassist Pete Wentz, there was a steady flow of friendly banter between band and fans, stories were told and advice given. At one point, everyone was asked to take a step back to give the front some room. “Safety first” advised Pete, who also asked that everyone be mindful of their fellow fans and reminding the crowd to drink plenty of water. Which at the time seemed somewhat over the top as everyone was playing nice. But as a veteran performer, Wentz has no doubt seen almost everything and the show did definitely pick up speed and intensity so in hindsight, a plea for safety seemed reasonable.
The crowd was eclectic and ranged in ages from teenagers that surely couldn’t be of age to older folk who surely couldn’t still be legally allowed to drive. This in itself a testament to the broad appeal of this band – their catchy pop hooks, heartfelt lyrics and obvious authenticity have struck a chord with so many and created life-long fans.
They smashed through a slew of songs, mostly well-loved hits but there were a few obscure tracks that made it in. And even those had groups of people singing along, knowing every word.

The night was full of blasting energy, with a lead singer that hit the big notes every time and a band that still, after all this time, jammed on stage like it was their first time. Gotta love an enthusiastic rocker!