End of Era: Breaks & Enter

Breaks N Enter
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

This weekend marks the end of an era for the Queensland music institution: Breaks & Enter.

The iconic club night series hosted by local team, ADICTS, has provided Queenslanders with the finest national and international breakbeat acts for the past seven years, spanning four different cities and numerous venues. However, this Saturday, it all comes to an end as the Breaks & Enter Finale takes over Barsoma.

Breaks & Enter has been such a successful platform for breakbeat in Australia, it may come as a surprise that the night is ending, but as ADICTS crew member, Sang Pham explains, the decision to end the event has been in the works for a while. “We've been going for seven years with this project and we want to change the format anyway for our main night and you know a fresh start is probably the best way to go about it and also there's so many things that I associate with the format that you can't continue with the new things we want to do. So it was a good way to wrap it up, celebrate the success we had, we're still leaving a high.”

And there is much to celebrate. Among the achievements Breaks & Enter has accumulated, Pham notes the proudest is the reputation and longevity the event has maintained, “Having it last so long, having it be so popular, being a minority genre as well... and just having such a following, for so many years... a lot of people are still, are saddened by the fact that its coming to an end so that's something for us.”

However like all success stories, the Breaks & Enter story was not without it's challenges. “Just keeping it going... is a tough thing because crowds change. There was probably a couple of times across the seven years where we had to adapt to the changing crowd and recruit new people and new fans and new friends and stuff so you know, keeping it fresh is probably the biggest challenge.”

Despite this, Pham notes, “The brand and everything is so strong that changes in format and changes in venue and stuff like that it wasn't as hard as it may have been for other people.” Saturday night's finale is sure to be an epic conclusion to such a respectable event history, however fans should not rule out an epilogue to the Breaks & Enter series, “This party is shaping up to be so epic, you know people are flying themselves in from all over the country. People who used to live in Brisbane and had been to a party, people who hadn't ever been to a party and they want to get the opportunity to go to at least one; its become an institution you know, its recognised around the country and even globally... this finale has drawn so much attention and so much hype, depending on how we go, quite possibly there might be a Breaks & Enter reunion down the track but... nothing is planned at the moment.”

What ADICTS are planning, however is a move into the Sunday event market, aiming to establish a Sunday scene deserved of their changing audience, “The next event that we're doing will be a Sunday event. We just notice that our clientele, our demographic has changed now, the majority of them don't really want to go to a regular night, a club at night anymore, they prefer to party during the day, they prefer to party on a Sunday.”

Breaks & Enter Finale, this Saturday 6th October @ Barsoma

written by Olivia Wilbury

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