A small, but highly energetic crowd witnessed Eluveitie make their last stop on their current Australian tour in Adelaide (22 May).
Despite this being Eluveitie’s first time to Adelaide, the crowd at The Gov welcomed the band with praise and high energy (the weather outside didn’t even stop the crowd from having a great time). Even the band themselves were floored by the response. With violin, pipes, and even a hurdy-gurdy (also known as a wheel fiddle), Eluveitie showed just what they can bring to the world of music.
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With 23 songs and about a 2-hour performance, the Adelaide fans danced, cheered and sang along to their favourite Eluveitie songs. At times if felt like you were at a soccer (damn it's football) match, as fans sang along to the tunes.

Even with the news earlier this month that long-time drummer Merlin Sutter and Merlin’s close friends Anna Murphy and Ivo Henzi, had decided to part ways with Eluveitie, there was no sign of that within the performance. They all played together as though nothing was going to be change in a few months.
The band decided that as this was going to be their last Australian performance, to announce a new album called 'Evocation 2', playing a brand new song. The crowd went crazy. You could see that a lot of the fans couldn’t wait for the new album and the song really did go over well.

With the 23 songs played it was a mixture of short and long songs, plus a few instrumental songs as well. A few times with one or two of the instrumental songs it felt like the crowd was going to break out in a jig. Every time that Eluveitie left the stage for a short break to wipe the sweat from their brows, the crowd would start to chant their name. The fans just couldn’t get enough and wanted more, and Eluveitie was willing to give it to them.
It was great to see that a band who have been releasing albums since 2006 are able to bring such a diverse crowd. Yes, most of the crowd where on the younger side but those who where on the slightly older side jumped around and enjoyed themselves just as much.
It is hard to define just what type of music Eluveitie plays, but to those who are fans this doesn’t matter. They play such a broad range of instruments, and each instrument brings something different to the songs, that if you asked the fans which they would like to hear more of they wouldn’t be able to tell you.

Eluveitie sure know how to put on a show, and for the fans who did brave the cold, wet and windy weather, they didn’t leave feeling let down. As Eluveitie left the stage once last time, the crowd could still be heard chanting their name and asking for one more song. They didn’t want the night to end, and it came across that Eluveitie didn’t want it to either.
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