Dubmarine: Don't Forget The Glitter At Future Folk Festival

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A seasoned all-rounder music writer and storyteller with a specialised interest in the history of rock.

Brisbane bass-dub juggernaut Dubmarine are heading into the New Year at warp speed, with the release of a new single and spaced-out animated video clip, as well as a string of festival shows.

The band released 'Solar Flare Fire' in September accompanied by a sci-fi themed animated video featuring cartoon versions of the whole band. In the coming months, Dubmarine will be rocking festival stages across the country, including sets at Future Folk and the National Folk Festival.

Before they head out on the road, we caught up Paul Watson from Dubmarine to find out about the new song, live shows and what's coming next for the band.

It looks like it's been a busy year for Dubmarine. What have been some of the highlights?
Dubmarine have had a busy year for sure, highlights for us have definitely been launching our new film clip for the single 'Solar Flare Fire'; getting turned into a cartoon was definitely a high watermark for the year.

The video for 'Solar Flare Fire' has an old-school animated sci-fi concept. Is there a story behind the song?
Basically, we had the cool tune we needed to get a clip for and since Dubmarine has always been a pretty sci-fi heavy band, we decided we needed to finally get into space. We were lucky enough that Stevie B from Bullhorn knew a fantastic animator in Luke Brooke who linked us up and discussions about '80s Saturday morning cartoons and anime ensued.

Luke got what we wanted from day one and started designing. He pretty much had no life except for animating for six months. But the result speaks for themselves. Luke really nailed the look and feel of what we wanted. From the space ships, to the cool lasers and explosions. He is a genius.

Did you each get a say in how you wanted the animated versions of yourselves to look?
Not really, but Luke the animator really had the vibe of the clip sorted from day one; we only had to decide who was on different armies and who was fighting who. Also in the clip, there are a few Dubmarine friends animated in there and also a few Brisbane music Easter eggs. I think putting an eye patch on Sanjay was super cool.

The 'Solar Flare Fire' clip follows in a visual stylistic tradition of putting the band in 'out of this world' situations. If cartoon Dubmarine were to cross-over with another animated series, which one would it be?
'Solar Flare Fire' has sort of put us in the 'Robotech', 'Star Blazers', 'Battle Of The Planets' worlds already, however if we were to cross-over into another animated series, perhaps the 'Gummi Bears' would be good due to that cartoon's excellent theme song. That said if we were choosing cross-overs on theme songs, I only wish the 'Golden Girls' was animated!

Dubmarine will perform at Future Folk Festival next month in Sydney. The event's artwork is Where The Wild Things Are themed. What can we expect from the band (who are know to dress-up)?
Dubmarine have always played around with our set and style; we will definitely have some curveballs and re-imagining of tracks sorted out. One time at Island Vibe Festival our trombone player literally covered the top half of his body in glitter and played like that. However, I am told he was finding glitter all over his house and clothes for the next six months, so he probably won't go there again.

Also in 2017, you'll be playing the Port Fairy Folk Festival as well as the National Folk Festival; how well does your style go down with the folk music crowds?
Dubmarine were lucky enough to be included on the Woodford Folk Festival bill early on where we had a great response to our music and show, and we have performed at the National Folk Festival in the past and it all seemed to go very well. Folk music, like all genres, is a pretty liquid thing and while we don't play Appalachian music on dulcimers we play folk music, though maybe future folk!

What do you have planned for those shows in terms of set list and performance?
Dubmarine like to mix up our set and change our tracks around to keep it fresh for us and the crowd and that isn't about to change, however a few golden oldies have crept back into the set in recent times, which has been good fun.

Is there any genre the band won't have a crack at?
Yeah for sure, Dubmarine hasn't done country yet. While we have a few genres under the belt, we like to think there is a strong connection between everything we do with nothing being out of place. If we are playing drum n bass, dub or trap we still think there is a common thread that makes us still sound like Dubmarine.

Having played all over the world, is there a festival that stands out from the rest?
That's a hard one as festivals all have their own flavour and vibe. Colours Of Ostrava in the Czech Republic was great; Capetown Jazz Festival was also super cool and Sakifo Festival in Reunion Island is a blast. Woodford Folk Festival is also obviously a big one for us; truly a unique event and obviously a festival a lot of Dubamarine grew up going to.

Can we expect a new album from you guys in the coming year?
We are currently sitting on a bunch of new music; what that comes out as we aren't sure yet but there will be something from us.

Dubmarine play Future Folk Festival at The Factory Theatre (Sydney) 6 January as well as Port Fairy Folk Festival 10-13 March) as well as the National Folk Festival (13-17 April) in Canberra.

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