Local hip hop/ trap producer/ DJ/ urban fashionista DJ Nick One is the resident DJ at Woolly Mammoth on Saturdays.
What do you feel like listening to?
Mainly my own mixtapes, or else music to put on my mixtapes.
How have you seen the hip hop scene change over the years?
It seems to get smaller and smaller, the the further and further I get away from it.
Do you feel musically like you are focusing on different things at the moment?
Yeah, mainly my bar tab.
Ciggie party?
(We go outside to continue the interview)

What is your favourite festival and why?
Definitely the Island Vibe Festival on Minjerribah every year. Not only is the festival sick, but there are about 30 simultaneous, debaucherous parties happening all over the island at any given moment during the weekend.
Debaucherous! Great word! You should say something about your friends and the whales migrating?
Oh yeah, big shout out to the whole Hostile Takeover mob and all the migaloos in the building.
You have recently been to Gununa in the Gulf of Carpentaria for three weeks to teach hip hop and radio workshops. What did Gununa teach you?
To slow down time and appreciate every moment of life.
What is your favourite song right now?
'Paranoid' by Ty Dolla $ign and DJ Mustard.
Oh nice. (There is a very long pause.)
Nek question?
Okay, I wanna ask a really cool one, I'm just waiting for it to come to me... Um... What is your favourite colour?
Errytang is purple.
You grew up in Brisbane. What do you like about Brisbane?
Brisbane is a pretty easy-going place, but I think you have to make your own fun 'cause there's a lot of haters who are trying to curb the debauchery. Probably the best thing about Brisbane is the Gold Coast lol.
What are your favourite things to do with your friends?
I love getting my friends involved in my radio show. They come in and choose great songs, which I then steal for my club sets.
What do you think of dinosaurs?
I think they're cool.
What are your thoughts on the new data received on Pluto, and what do you think: should Pluto be considered a planet?
Yes, I believe Pluto should definitely be considered for planetary status.
What's the craziest thing you've seen someone do while listening to your music?
I seen a lot of crazy things, but one thing that comes to mind is a girl getting her titties sucked right in front of the DJ booth.
Holy shit. What's next for Nick One?
Cruising down to King Harim's for a feed. Peace!
Nick One plays The Rumpus Room on Fri 7 Aug as part of 4ZZZ Fun-Raiser. He also plays the Woolly Mammoth every Saturday night, the Rumpus Room every Thursday night, and also hosts the Hostile Takeover Show with his friends every Friday night from 10-12 on 4ZZZ FM.