Dear Willow Gives Us 5 Reasons Growing Up On A Goat Farm Is The Boss

Dear Willow
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Dear Willow is the creative voice of Sunshine Coast-based artist Em-J Dau.

Since 2012 Dear Willow has transformed from poet to a solo acoustic act and embraced her sound through a full band. Her new single is titled 'HOLD'.

We asked Em-J to supply a listicle of her choice and she has delved into her childhood and why growing up on a goat farm was the boss. Bless.

“Honestly, I used to get sick of the chores and responsibility as an eight-year-old, but I wouldn’t trade hanging out with all these animals for the world,” she says. “Need a tree change? Get a goat farm.”

1. Kids

Kids everywhere. Cutest of pets, way better than the neighbours Jack Russell. Imagine all the stories you get to tell when spring comes around and a million little goats start popping up, causing mischief (goodbye rose bush, you were fun for a while/ having pets inside is fine, until they drop pellets everywhere).

2. No lawn mower needed, goodbye boring chores

The phrase 'bottomless pit' comes to mind when you think about these little fellows. Our buck, Elvis, had daily field trips to the house to keep the grass down for us. No joke. Really environmentally conscious of us in hindsight.

3. Ever needed a hug?

Here's 200. No questions asked. All you need to do is be a non-shady person (they will read you like a picture book) and open your arms. I can’t tell you how much of an antidepressant having five kids on your back and one licking your face is. You just have to imagine the bliss.

4. UFC in your backyard

Have you ever seen those crazy bastards butt heads? Especially during times when the birds and the bees did what mum and dad explained when I was five. I often felt sympathetically concussed for the goats just watching those headbutts. Ouch.

5. Never a dull moment

They get their heads stuck everywhere so half of your days are spent flipping goats to try get them unstuck, and the other half trying to catch all the escapees. So often we would get phone calls from the neighbours “Can you move your goats off the road so we can drive down this crazy dirt road in peace?”.

Dear Willow's latest single is titled 'HOLD' from her soon-to-be released debut EP. Dear Willow plays Your Place Espresso & Bar (Mooloolaba) 16 June and 21 July, Solbar (Sunshine Coast) 12 July and Ric's Bar (Brisbane) 21 June and 10 August.

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