Cry Baby Wishes You 'Best Of Luck' This Valentine's Day

Cry Baby is an indie-pop artist based on the Sunshine Coast.
National Music Editor, based in Brisbane, Australia.
'Passionate about true crime docos, the Swannies, golf and sleep, I’ve been writing about music for 20-plus years. What I’ve learnt? There’s two types of music – good and bad.’

Despite its title, Sunshine Coast alt-pop artist Cry Baby's second single, 'Best Of Luck' (out today), is actually a break-up song.

Perfectly timed to be released as an anti-Valentine's song for all those reaching for a box of tissues rather than a bouquet of roses this year, the track features Christian Patey on guitar and harmonies.

Cry Baby sure knows how to turn a sad break-up song into a cool af bop, with her debut self-titled single received really well last year too.

Your new single 'Best Of Luck' is a break-up song of sorts, which drops just prior to Valentine's Day; was that a decision made on purpose?
It was definitely intentional, haha! There's a bit of a hidden meaning for me releasing it at this time, since this song is actually about a past relationship where we had first decided to 'officially' get together on Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is always a tricky one for me, and I think for a lot of other people too, so I thought this song would be a bit of a satirical anthem for the tricky holiday season.

Regardless of whether you're single or not, I think everyone will be able to groove along this Valentine's. Not to throw any shade on romance or anything, but 'Best Of Luck' is an anti-V day song for anyone going through the hardships of a break-up or being single on this 'day of love'.

The mood, vibe of this track; did you have a concrete idea of how you wanted 'Best Of Luck' to sound when it first started coming together?
I had originally written this song acoustically, and I wanted it to have more of an upbeat sound coming into the studio.

It's hard to write about tricky situations mentally; it's kind of a therapeutic process getting thoughts onto paper and I didn't want it to be another sad song about lost love. I really wanted it to be almost a send off, 'celebratory' type of tune.

My brother and I had fleshed out some dreamy melody lines and a punchy beat, but we still wanted that authentic instrumental element. We brought our friend and talented musician, Christian Patey, to add some beautiful guitar and some harmonies which really created this melancholy, anthem type feel.

How empowering personally was it to turn your own experience into an uplifting song that others can use positively in their own lives?
It's a pretty glorious moment when you get to write about something so painful, and get to turn it into art.

I am definitely the kind of person to really struggle about talking about how I'm feeling (I usually just end up crying instead). It really is my therapy being able to create my sadness or struggles, and use it as a tool to reflect and move past them.

I'd really hope that being able to do this empowers people listening to it and feeling like they aren't alone in their dark times, that those moments don't have to consume you, just like music has done for me.

The song features on a forthcoming EP themed around break-ups... unpacking personal thoughts and feelings within your own music, is this something you actively seek out?
Absolutely. Being able to write music about raw, human emotion and situations is necessary for me.

In a world where a lot of people struggle with their own mind, and find it hard to reach out, I think it's important to let people know they aren't the only ones. That it's okay to cry and to feel, and there's a time and place for every personal thought and emotion.

I listened to a lot of musicians growing up who were kind of pioneers of this (Amy Winehouse, Death Cab For Cutie, Regina Spektor, Etta James etc.) and it was one of my biggest inspirations to create music.

You've teamed with your brother, Judah, who handles the production of this song; how important was it to collaborate with him on this release (and future ones)?
It's always been both our dreams to be able to create music and to be able to take this journey together is very elemental.

Judah has always been my inspiration to take music as far as I can and it's truly a blessing to have him produce for me. He's so talented, methodical, and meticulous in what he does and it's very magical getting to watch him work and he's worked very hard to get to the point of being so incredible at what he does.

We both discovered we were hell-bent on creating around the same time; Judah had his little bedroom/ mattress-propped-against-the-window in the Redlands, in the early days of this journey.

I had my $100 K-mart, nylon string guitar I'd write with quite timidly in the garage or my bedroom where no one could hear me (I would have been about 14/15, Judah about 19/20) and we've been developing our skills both separately and together ever since.

We'll always be in this for each other. I know Judah will always have my best interest and look after me as a big brother and I'll always do the same.

You've also collaborated with AYLA, Christian Patey and Lunar Phase on the new EP; what did they each bring to the project and is collaboration a major part of your creative processes?
I did! What an absolute pleasure it's been. I collaborated with our good friend Ayla Scanlan (AYLA, incredibly talented) who provided her angelic voice (and damn-good attitude) for some harmonies in one of the tracks that completely elevated the song; they are my favourite part. Christian Patey worked with us to bring up the vibe for 'Best Of Luck' with some beautiful acoustic guitar and falsetto vocals in the chorus. Our friend Jye (Lunar Phase) is an all-round pleasure to collaborate with and have had the opportunity to work on a few things since this EP.

Stoked to have had the chance to add all of their magic and skills to my debut EP.

Take us behind the wall of your moniker Cry Baby; how did you arrive at the name and what message do you hope to embody as Cry Baby?
To anyone that knows me, they know I'm a pretty emotional person. I got called a cry baby quite a lot growing up and I used to get quite embarrassed about how much I exposed my feelings.

So I lean more into my music to get my thoughts and feelings down instead. As time went on, I kind of learned that it didn't make me weak or fragile like I thought it did, deciding I should wear it as a badge of honour instead. Because it's okay to cry, it's okay to be vulnerable and honest, and I wanted other people to know that as well – to be a voice for my fellow 'cry babies' out there.

Aside from your EP, and given we're living in turbulent times, what else is on your radar in 2021 in terms of creative projects?
Turbulent times indeed. I will continue to write and create. I think now more than ever people need music.

There's a lot of amazing people I've gotten to collaborate with (truly making this a dream come true) aside from musicians for this release that I'm very thrilled about and hope to get to continue to work with them for future projects going forward.

Taking my experience from this debut EP and using it for my next project, there is already a lot of music cooking up in the studio that I'm super excited about, including some hip hop collabs, getting to work with my brother with a bit of a twist (hint: he isn't just a talented producer), and working with some familiar faces. Can't wait to unleash all these goodies to the world.

You're from the Sunshine Coast, which historically hasn't been a hotbed for young, emerging creatives. But that reputation is beginning to change the last couple of years... as an artist, how have your found the local scene in terms of fostering your own creative endeavours?
I think Sunshine Coast is an up and coming spot in terms of music.

There is a LOT of young talent residing here who are just waiting to take centre stage, there's definitely a vibe of something big about to happen. A lot of them are so willing to work with each other creatively and personally because they just genuinely love what they do and want to cultivate a beautiful music scene here.

So for me, it's been very prosperous in terms of collaborations. After moving here from Brisbane, I have very high hopes for these Sunny Coast legends and for my creative plans. And well, I mean in terms of scenery, there's nothing more inspiring than writing on the beach or surrounded by rainforest haha!

Now some fun questions: If you had to live in a city abroad, where would you choose?
Oooh, I think Seoul or somewhere in Japan, I adore the culture, the food, the music, the landscape! Not to mention all the aesthetically 'kawaii' fashion.

Three people you'd like to invite around for a dinner party?
Past or present? Ideally Mac Miller, Amy Winehouse, and Post Malone.

Mac so I could give him a big, old hug and tell him how much everyone misses him and how many people he has inspired. Amy because I think she'd be good for a laugh and a bottle of red, and we could wonder off afterwards and get a tipsy tattoo together (just the gals).

Post Malone because he's hilarious and would lighten up the party, and I'd probably try to convince him to collab with me. He might bring me some Crocs too; that would be the icing on the cake.

If we were coming over to your place, what would you cook us?
I've got some terrible news, I have no authority to cook anyone a meal. I'm a shocker. I could probably take us through HJs for a Whopper though, is that okay? Or I can probably whip up a cheese toastie, that is within my skill set. I'll even butter both sides of the bread (I mean a proper cheese toastie).

Thanks for your time; anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you for YOUR time and thank you for having me.

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