Western Australia’s Formidable Vegetable Sound System (FVSS) are the world’s most triumphant experiment in ‘ecological electroswing’, busting out energetic, quirky mashups of speakeasy-style, antique-beats with live, ukulele wonk, hyperactive horns and the principles of permaculture.
FVSS first started at Eclipse Festival in 2012; how did it all come about?
The 'band' started by accident! There was a programming stuff-up with my old band, Ensemble Formidable, being put down as playing the night before they actually flew in from Perth. So, being the only band member there, I was appointed to 'cover for them'... during a headlining slot... on the opening night! I literally had four days to learn how to use Ableton and MacGyver-together some dodgy beats to some songs I'd written about permaculture on my ukulele. But it was a total buzz completely winging it in front of a massive crowd with a bunch of musicians I'd literally plucked from the dancefloor that night!
You've performed at Woodford Folk, Rainbow Serpent as well as Shambhala and Glastonbury; how wild has the ride been for FVSS?
Pretty wild! I still can't really comprehend the epic-ness of the past three years, but I recently calculated that the longest amount of time I've spent in one place is about ten days (and that was for a meditation course!). Touring is flat-out and intense, but it's pretty awesome being able to get an important message out there to thousands of people all over the world at mad festivals like Glasto and BOOM.

I do a little workshop on the permaculture principles, which is basically a bunch of the songs done acoustically with room in between to discuss ideas around ways for us to keep on surviving/ thriving on the planet by using ecologically sound practices instead of our destructive, business-as-usual habits. I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing it at one of the festies.
What are you most looking forward to about this trio of festivals?
I love FNQ [far north Queensland] festivals! They just seem to run at a more chilled pace than others around the country (probably something to do with the heat). I’m stoked to catch-up with some of my good friends up that way, have a boogie to some tasty beats and play alongside the likes of Tijuana Cartel, Bullhorn and Hugo & Treats!
Sustainable living… are the education programmes of the last 10-20 years in schools/ media having an impact?
I definitely think the world is more ready than it was 10-20 years ago to hear – and more importantly – start listening to messages of sustainability; and maybe education has had something to do with that. But in saying that we still have a bloody, long way to go and not a lot of time [remains]! It’s time for all hands on deck and that’s the reason I’m trying to present it in a super-fun, novel way so that it might inspire more people to start taking action.
You play the ukulele and sing… honestly, as an instrument, does the uke make you popular with the ladies?
Haha! I’m pretty oblivious most of the time, so I couldn’t say! I’m no Vance Joy or Bobby Alu, but hey, if 'nerd on a uke' does it for you ladies, let me know!
Your bio says you've played alongside Thom Yorke and The Rolling Stones… how did these shows come about? Any side-of-stage stories you can share?
Well, ‘alongside’ might be stretching it a bit. They were both performing at Glastonbury the years we played there. Thom Yorke played on our stage just after us, but I never saw him as we had to run off and do another bloody gig! Rolling Stones were 'effin rad, though! Mick Jagger still has the swagger!
Tell us a bit about the remix album you have coming out in July… you have Spoonbill, Bumble, Griff on remix duties, right?
Sure do! Super excited about this one! We’ve managed to put together some pretty hefty mash-ups from some of the world’s finest glitch-beatmeisters! They are mostly tracks from our first album that have been wonktastically-recombobulated beyond recognition, but also a smattering of new material as well. Spoonbill has done a stellar job mixing the entire thing as well and the whole thing has been a monster process, so I can’t wait to get it out there!
Many people assume permaculture relates to gardening; but it has wider, social impact than that right?
Permaculture is about way more than just gardening (or styling your hair!). I guess, ultimately it’s a philosophical framework to help us change the way we think about our relationship to the world around us. It’s based on the ethics of earth care, people care and fair share of resources/ surplus, which goes far beyond growing veggies!
Why is permaculture a large part of the Formidable Vegetable Sound System footprint?
I strongly feel like we are in for some massive changes to our way of life/ species/ planet in the near future – and definitely within my lifetime. Permaculture gives us the tools to make the most of these changes and hopefully surf the wave that’s coming to the best of our ability, instead of just bobbing around waiting to get barrelled. I’m also aware that people’s eyes glaze over after about 30 seconds if you start ranting to them about climate change/ peak oil/ overpopulation, so one day, a friend of mine gave me the exceptionally nerdy idea of putting these kind of ideas into song and smashing them into people’s brains with phat beats… and that’s kinda been my jam ever since!
What is the most formidable vegetable?
Cabbage. It may not look formidable, but if you’ve ever tried fermenting it for a few weeks, you’ll know what I mean!

Kimchi, sourkraut… Anything with fermented cabbage! Mmmm.
Formidable Vegetable Sound System play Happy Daze Festival 29-31 May, Kuranda Roots Festival (12-13 June) and Bush Week (22-28 June).