Clap Clap Riot Are Avoiding A Dull Life

Clap Clap Riot
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

It may be the title of their LP and their Australian tour, but Clap Clap Riot are far from living a 'Dull Life'.

The New Zealand boys couldn't be more excited and grateful that their music has already taken them so far. This year will mark their third Australian tour and the release of their third LP, 'Dull Life'. After a hectic few months prepping the release of the new album, Clap Clap Riot's guitarist Dave Rowlands is excited for the upcoming tour.

“There seems to be a lot of natural support of [music fans] going out and winging it and seeing bands they may not know so well, there's a lot more respect from crowds going out [in Australia],” Dave says.

“Whereas I think at times we lose a bit of faith over here [in NZ] and you sort of feel a bit more unsure... It seems like a really good scene in Australia, good bands over there, a lot of good music coming out which is always really great to see over this side of the world.” 

The group's new single, 'Tired Of Getting Old', is the second lifted from 'Dull Life' and features a vintage, summer vibe with the light flavour of cowboy whistles in the distance that echo throughout the song. Dave describes the band's music as “surf rock, indie, fuzzy... with a little bit of a wild west kind of feel to it”. 

The music Clap Clap Riot grew up loving were bands like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, groups that made music across a range of genres. It's a trait Clap Clap Riot hope to master.

“We've never been one of those bands that have been so fixed on a dead-set sound. We've always liked the bands that have pushed themselves,” Dave says.

“If you look at The Beatles; over the space of their career in music, you can listen to two Beatles songs from different eras of their production and they can be polar opposites, but still be the same band at the same time.”

– written by Emily Oswin

Clap Clap Riot Tour Dates

Thu 27 Apr - The Bearded Lady (Brisbane)
Fri 28 Apr - Grace Darling Hotel (Melbourne)

Sat 29 Apr - Brighton Up Bar (Sydney)

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