Our third and final tour of the year, and it has all been within six months.
Finally, we have hit the road with our brand new album, ‘Seraph’. The tour had us starting in our home town, Brisbane, on the 14th November over the most inconvenient G20 weekend. At the New Globe Theatre, where they are doing a seriously good job for local artists, we are always made welcome. The amazing thing about this venue is its seriously pumping PA and backline – that is always there. Bass players and guitarists have the pleasure of powering through Brisbane’s own, Vase Amplifiers, but if you know us, you would know that we take our own stacks everywhere.
Next up was the beach, sun, surf and play. Miami Shark Bar took us on for the evening at the Gold Coast. Our main man Bob, carrying our gear, who read the run sheet wrong ended up rocking up late to the event. It’s was okay Bob, we waited, started drinking and kept boulevard gawking.
For our shows in Parramatta and Newcastle, we decided to do the drive down. Parramatta was more than welcoming, new friends with locals, wicked support acts, and a kick-ass green room feast. Beers and pizzas came out like we were kings.

We took-on the drive back to Newcastle that night, where we would wake up to enjoy some simple entertainment. It has only taken us years of touring to work out that packing a game console is one of the best things you can do for you mental health. You know those mornings after a huge night... you know the ones.

The adrenaline from the show in Newcastle kept us up to drive through the night into Sunday morning back home to Brisbane where we have to face real life.
The next week was Adelaide. In the early morning rush we did somehow manage to get ourselves and our gear to the airport. We never pack light, so consequently we had to start making our own road cases, such as the double-guitar case for Chris.

In Adelaide, wonderful Adelaide. We do love you. Last tour we got to support Massive, however headlining our own show was no let down. We partied on after the show with all the bands over at Colibrium House, where we jammed into the early morning of the hours.

The next day wouldn’t have been so terrible if we didn’t encounter the ultimate grouch at Virgin Airlines. We have so much respect for what Virgin does for musicians, allowing free excess luggage up to 32kg, however, for the first time out of something like 15 flights we weren’t allowed the exactly same gear on. We pulled pedals out of cases and stuffed our hand luggage as much as we could. By the time this was over, we heard over intercom all our names being addressed to make way to our gate. We just made the plane, wrecked and stressed, on our way to Melbourne.
When we got to the venue, we met the guys from Melbourne Backline Hire. These guys are super professional, hassle free, and brought our gear straight to us at the BandRoom 680. Key things to note about this venue is that there are retro ‘70s coke tables in the green room and dancing cages. If we had known, we would have had made some plans.

You would have noticed our mate Robert Green, aka Bob (with the dreads and can be found staring in our film clips), who is always on the road with us, giving us a hand with heavy lifting and beer drinking every step of the way. He does our lights and he makes sure there is water on the stage. Bob has paid for all his personal costs to do this with us, except for accommodation; that leaves food, beer and flights. Here is a personal thanks to you Bob, you truly are a legend.

This second half of the year has been huge for us. To say the least, the next month will be recovering from it all. We can’t foresee the future, but we think next year will be no different.