Get ready for independent brews and alternative music when The Beer InCider Experience hits Albion Park in September.
Jeremy Marou and Tom Busby of Busby Marou, are the headlining act on the Saturday, and they could not be more excited to play the festival. “I looked it up on the net the other day and it looks like it's really fun, and obviously beer and wine speaks for itself. It looks like its gonna be a really fun day. It looks like something I would attend anyway and given the fact that there is a great line-up of music, I'm pumped! And this time of year is the perfect time to be sitting outside, drinking wine and tasting beers,” says Jeremy.
Jeremy is excited to play at the event because he says their music suits it perfectly, cause you know, beer and cider and wine and outdoors. And since they haven't played together in a while, Jeremy tells us that their Beer InCider show will be like a family reunion. “You'll see all our favorites, and these days we kind of walk on without a set-list and do what everyone wants to hear.”
And if you’re confused about how to categories Busby Mauro’s music, don’t worry, so are they! “Because our brand is so hard to explain, it crosses a number of genres... We kind of cover the country/ blues/ pop/ rock genre. Somebody best explained it like folk-inspired pop-acoustic music. We try not to pigeonhole ourselves into any style of music, we say it is basically relaxing music. We've got the pop songs, we've got the laid-back songs, the 'Jack Johnson' acoustic songs, we've got blues feely songs, country feely songs. One of the hardest questions we get is 'what sort of music is it?'.

The two men have been keeping busy this last year, as they have been touring loads. “In the last 18 months we've done over 300 shows and it's been pretty hectic! One day we traveled from Mount Isa to Birdsville, which is basically a straight line in the middle of the country. It was hot, we were kind of hangover, and traveling this straight line with nothing but red dirt on either side – we rocked up this little hill and there looked like to be a little oasis. It was a brown pond. And we just thought 'oh, let's just jump in and have a swim'. I was the first one to jump in, and I worked out pretty quickly that it was just mud! And I covered myself in thick, thick, brown, dirty, sticky mud, and then I had to go sit in the bus smelling like a swamp for the rest of the road,” says Jeremy.
According to Jeremy, Busby Marou will finally take some down-time for the next couple of moths as Tom just had a baby. And in their case down-time means doing the Beer InCider Experience, a four-show tour with The Beach Boys and a few odd festivals here and there, you know, easy!
They also have a few plans on the books for 2016. “Early next year, when Tom is sick of changing nappies, we've basically recorded the demos of all the new songs that we've been working on, so we're gonna go ahead and choose the songs and polish the songs and then release an album,” says Jeremy.
Beer InCider Experience at Albion Park Raceway, September 18 & 19.
Written by Eirin Boee
Beer InCider Experience 2015
All Our Exes Live In Texas
Busby Marou
Skipping Girl Vinegar
The Glorious North
The Mae Trio