Big Kitty: Five Ways To Spend Time In Set Breaks

Big Kitty
Our eclectic team of writers from around Australia – and a couple beyond – with decades of combined experience and interest in all fields.

Big Kitty are a seven-piece explosion of smokin' jazz and sultry rhythm 'n' blues who have been tearing the roof off Brisbane's jump joints since 2004.

Even the most energetic band needs a break between all that dancin', dreamin' and sweatin', though, which is why they've compiled this list of the top five ways to spend time during set breaks.

1. A quick game of Rummikub. Because a quick game's a good game. And because even though there are usually six, seven or eight of us and the rules say a maximum of four players is recommended, a few are usually too busy doing one or more of items 2-5 below.

Rummikub2. Dance-off to the set break music (ninja moves optional). We all like to stay limber, and we each have a broad eclectic repertoire of battle-ready game-changers. Big Kitty (Anna), however, usually wins.

Gangnam Dance Off
3. Schmooze.
We genuinely love our big transient family of friends of friends of family of friends of family of friends (and their kids) who come and hang with us whenever and wherever we play. Fifteen minutes at a time is never enough.

4. Run four blocks for a real coffee/ band aids/ 9V battery /steel double bass strings/ spare pants. Because no matter where you're playing, it will always be at least four long blocks from whatever it is that you urgently need mid-gig.

Running5. Fill up, empty, fill up again. Because no band should run on an empty tank.

Fill up Big Kitty play the Brisbane Jazz Club on Sunday April 27.

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