Rapper Allday took to Twitter in a veritable pique over a Chet Faker snub — and instantly regretted it.
The South Australian artist "200% tried to talk to Chet Faker" to compliment him on his gig, but when the Triple J Album-Of-The-Year winner told him 'it wasn't a good time' [to talk], Allday posted, "I love that dude's [Chet Faker] music but really fuck him because we tried to say whatsup to everyone backstage so fuck you music is for humans".

To his credit, Allday, aka Tom Gaynor, saw sense (through the haze of the weed he evidently smoked with Matt Corby?) and followed up with the immortal "My official statement on this, is I am a fuckhead".
The pair was playing at the inaugural VanFest in NSW's Central West on Saturday.
Screen captured by AdamNotEve.